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Hue 3.11 Hive Query editor - Not retrying thrift call GetSchemas due to socket timeout


Hue 3.11 Hive Tez query editor database view refreshing manually times out (after 2 mins) while query is running. Also metastore manager does the same when Hive Tez session is running as well. The following warning were found right after the timeout of database view refresh. Once the query completes though refreshing the hive database/ metastore manager works just fine.



[Mon Nov 14 15:16:01 2016]  [14/Nov/2016 15:16:01 +0000] thrift_util  WARNING  Not retrying thrift call GetSchemas due to socket timeout
[Mon Nov 14 15:16:01 2016]  [14/Nov/2016 15:16:01 +0000] thrift_util  INFO     Thrift saw a socket error: timed out
[Mon Nov 14 15:16:01 2016]  [14/Nov/2016 15:16:01 +0000] api          WARNING  Autocomplete data fetching error: timed out (code THRIFTSOCKET): None

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