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Permissions on /var/lib/<directory> causing services to fail.


I am setting up a CDH (5.8) Cluster with Cloudera Manager and Parcels. Most of the services are installed and running fine with an exception of HDFS HTTPFS role and Oozie. I am using a custom parcel directory on the agents  and also I am running SELinux in Enforcing mode (Please dont ask me to put it to permissive 🙂 ).


Both has similar isssue where its trying to move some files (related to tomcat) from the parcel's directory to /var/lib/<directory>.


When I checked the permissions of the directories in /var/lib I could see that most of the directories are created without any permissions set on them.



$ ls -l /var/lib/ | grep ^d-
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 flume-ng
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 hadoop-hdfs
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 hadoop-httpfs
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 hadoop-kms
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 hadoop-mapreduce
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 hadoop-yarn
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 hbase
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 hive
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 impala
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:29 kafka
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 llama
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 oozie
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 sentry
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 solr
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 spark
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 sqoop
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 sqoop2
d---------.  2 root         root            6 Jan 13 00:28 zookeeper



Is this expected?


For Oozie, I changed the permission of /var/lib/oozie to 700 and changed the ownership to oozie:oozie fixed the issue.


What would be the reason for this permission issue and how could be this fixed.


Thanks in advance.

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