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Got GSSException: No valid credentials provided with a valid kerberos ticket

Expert Contributor

I am using CM API installing a CDH cluster on AWS with MIT KDC and JDK 1.8u121. From CM UI, keberos is working fine. I checked CM kerberos encryption types and they match those defined in kdc.conf.

$ sudo cat /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
kdc_ports = 88
kdc_tcp_ports = 88

AWS = {
#master_key_type = aes256-cts
acl_file = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
dict_file = /usr/share/dict/words
admin_keytab = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab
supported_enctypes = aes256-cts:normal aes128-cts:normal des3-hmac-sha1:normal arcfour-hmac:normal camellia256-cts:normal camellia128-cts:normal des-hmac-sha1:normal des-cbc-md5:normal des-cbc-crc:normal



$ klist -ef

Ticket cache: KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
Default principal: wzhu@AWS

Valid starting Expires Service principal
03/30/2017 00:20:37 03/31/2017 00:20:37 krbtgt/AWS@AWS
Flags: FI, Etype (skey, tkt): aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96

$ hdfs dfs -ls /


ls: Failed on local exception: GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]; Host Details : local host is: ""; destination host is: "":8020;
at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client$Connection.access$1900(
at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client$Connection$
at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client$Connection$
at Method)
at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client$Connection.setupIOstreams(



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