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Issue with Cloudera Manager 11 login loop


I am facing issue with Cloudera Manager Loing, After installation using bin file and configuring the external database using prepared DB script, I am able to open the Cloudera manager UI and when I log in with default username admin it again loops back to login page.

I have checked the Cloudera-SCM-Server logs it says:


208892398@scm-web-3:com.cloudera.server.web.cmf.AuthenticationSuccessEventListener: Authentication success for user: 'admin' from


The URL redirects to after login is


<cm server ip>:7180/cmf/login?returnUrl=%2Fcmf%2FpostLogin%3FreturnUrl%3D%252Fcmf%252FpostLogin%253FreturnUrl%253D%25252Fcmf%25252FpostLogin%25253FreturnUrl%25253D




Is there a pointer to some link where Cleaning up of an installation of Cloudera manager is given before it can be reinstalled next time, I have experience as Cloudera uninstaller leaves some files behind which create conflicts when we try to reinstall, I there a complete cleaning script if I want to reinstall a bad cluster setup?




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