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Impala daemon fail to start CDH 5.11.1 - unable to start it even after clean reinstall


Hi ,


3 days ago I started to test hadoop cloudera HA over CDH 5.11 using 4 nodes 8GB ram , 4 cores (google compute engines)


All nodes where defined as data nodes .


During these tests I have restarted nodes .


After a while there there was 1 node which did not succeed to start the impala services than 2 and at last all of them .


No matter I restarted the Impala services or restarted one instance . The service did not succeed to run with no informative error message in impala logs files and agent logs .


cloudera-scm-server log:


2017-06-22 11:50:26,011 INFO CommandPusher:com.cloudera.cmf.service.GenericBringUpRoleCommand: BringUp command (119) has finished on service impala for role 61/impala-IMPALAD-9cfb5b1ab405f5aa4093cb4531cd05dd, with status FAILURE and message MessageWithArgs{messageId=message.command.role.bringUp.supervisor.fatal, args=[]}


cloudera-scm-agent log -  nothing significant.



I have deleted the service and created it once again . Did solve the problem.


Deleted the services restarted all machined - again did not help .


I have Uninstalled cloudera in all machined using this link


restarted all machined and created the cluster once again  it failed on creating the impala services .


All other services are working with no issues (HDFS, YARN,ZOOKEEPER,OOZIE)


What is going on ?

Do I miss something ?


I have QA ENV with failed impala instance with no remedy .

I'm afraid to have this problem in production.


Appreciate your help .

Many thanks



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