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hostname and canonical name for this host are not consistent when checked from a Java process


i have run this command on all hosts

# java -classpath /usr/share/cmf/lib/agent-5.*.jar com.cloudera.cmon.agent.DnsTest


and get this as a output :

[root@instance-1 Admin]# java -classpath /usr/share/cmf/lib/agent-5.*.jar com.cloudera.cmon.agent.DnsTest
{"status": "0", "ip": "", "hostname": "instance-1", "canonicalname": "instance-1.c.sacred-evening-197206.internal", "localhostDuration": "4", "canonicalnameDuration": "0" }


[root@instance-2 Admin]# java -classpath /usr/share/cmf/lib/agent-5.*.jar com.cloudera.cmon.agent.DnsTest
{"status": "0", "ip": "", "hostname": "instance-2", "canonicalname": "instance-2.c.sacred-evening-197206.internal", "localhostDuration": "5", "canonicalnameDuration": "0" }


[root@instance-3 Admin]# java -classpath /usr/share/cmf/lib/agent-5.*.jar com.c loudera.cmon.agent.DnsTest
{"status": "0", "ip": "", "hostname": "instance-3", "canonicalname": " instance-3.c.sacred-evening-197206.internal", "localhostDuration": "4", "canonic alnameDuration": "0" }


but in my /etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/hosts file i have mentioned FQDN then why its showing instance-1, instance-2, instance-3 while running above command.


please suggest

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