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Master Guru

10002 is the HiveServer2 web UI port and it should be freed up when HiveServer2 shuts down.

The netstat output shows that some client is connected to your HiveServer2 UI port.

You could try to figure out what client that may be and what it is doing since it is a bit unusual that a connection to the HiveServer2 UI would last very long.  Finding out what client is running on may be a good thing.


How are you stopping HiveServer2?  If you are stopping it from Cloudera Manager and it fails to stop completely that indicates that HiveServer2 itself may not be able to shut down due to the client holding the port open.  If that happens, you can try getting some jstack output by going to the HiveServer2 page in the Cloudera Manager UI and choosing Collect Stack Traces from the "Actions" menu.


That should help explain why HiveServer2 isn't stopping


Oh, and get a "ps aux" output against the PID found in the "netstat" output (22735 in the one you shared).

We should verify that the process is indeed HiveServer2


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