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Hive query stops with Error "Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exe"


I'm using Hive(with Yarn) that is installed by CDH-5.14.2-1, and made a database which keeps purchase history. One table which has purchase history has 1,000,000,000 tuples.

I tried the following query to measure Hive's performance.


SELECT c.gender, 
FROM   customers c 
       JOIN boughts_bil b 
         ON ( = b.cus_id 
              AND < $var ) 
       JOIN items i 
         ON ( = b.item_id ) 
       JOIN genres g 
         ON ( = i.gen_id ) 
GROUP  BY c.gender, 

Incidentally, since I want to try with no optimization, I made no partitions.


When I set "$var=30,000,000", the error "Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exe" has occurred. In reality, I use the same query and that time it worked fine.


Cloudera's plan was Express when it was going well, but now the plan became Enterprise-only. Is it cause?

Or are there different reasons for example out of memory error.


Please give your wisdom.





I checked HistoryServer and write like below


Application failed due to failed ApplicationMaster.
Only partial information is available; some values may be inaccurate.

I'll check the table value.

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