Created 03-31-2014 07:33 PM
retrying.. after deleting everything in /dfs by:
cd /dfs
rm -r -f *
on each host including the CDh manager server...
This actually worked!!! thanks Darren, Thanks DIO.. here are the steps when you need to reinstall from a botched delete of hive or zookeeper and the service add gives you a null pointer exception, (see my prior posts).
1) Stop the cluster
2) delete the cluster
3) cd /dfs on each host
4) rm -r -f *
5) using the manager add the cluster
6) select the hosts tab and select alll hosts
7) choose all the defaults and click continue to start firstrun()
Command Progress
Completed 20 of 20 steps.
Waiting for ZooKeeper Service to initialize Finished waiting | |
Starting ZooKeeper Service Completed 1/1 steps successfully | |
Checking if the name directories of the NameNode are empty. Formatting HDFS only if empty. Sucessfully formatted NameNode. | |
Starting HDFS Service Successfully started HDFS service | |
Creating HDFS /tmp directory HDFS directory /tmp already exists. | |
Creating MR2 job history directory Successfully created MR2 job history directory. | |
Creating NodeManager remote application log directory Successfully created NodeManager remote application log directory. | |
Starting YARN (MR2 Included) Service Successfully started service | |
Creating Hive Metastore Database Created Hive Metastore Database. | |
Creating Hive Metastore Database Tables Created Hive Metastore Database Tables successfully. | |
Creating Hive user directory Successfully created Hive user directory. | |
Creating Hive warehouse directory Successfully created Hive warehouse directory. | |
Starting Hive Service Service started successfully. | |
Creating Oozie database Oozie database created successfully. | |
Installing Oozie ShareLib in HDFS Successfully installed Oozie ShareLib | |
Starting Oozie Service Service started successfully. | |
Creating Sqoop user directory Successfully created Sqoop user directory. | |
Starting Sqoop Service Service started successfully. | |
Starting Hue Service Service started successfully. |