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You can go to Cloudera Manager -> Solr -> Configuration, and there you can change the following parameters:

Solr HTTP Port (default 8983)

Solr Admin Port (default 8984)

Solr HTTPs Port (default 8985)


Similarly for Zookeeper, you can change the client port (where Solr will connect to, default 2181), and also the Quorum Port, Election Port and JMX Remote Port if they are also conflicting with outher services.


After you save the changes, please go to the Cloudera Manager home page, you will see blue icons near the service names indicating the need of redeploying client configuration and orange icons indicating the need to restart affected services. For example, the Solr client configuration variable ZK_QUORUM and the environment variable SOLR_ZK_ENSEMBLE needs to be updated to reflect the new client port - this is all done by CM when redeploying client configs. You can do so either by following the blue icon(s) or by selecting 'Deploy Client Configurations' from the dropdown triangle to the right of the cluster name. You will also need to restart the affected services.


Best Regards,



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