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1030 | 06-27-2024 02:42 AM | |
2493 | 06-24-2022 09:06 AM | |
3905 | 01-19-2021 06:56 AM | |
56443 | 01-18-2016 06:59 PM |
09:06 AM
Thank you for the response. I was able to find a way out to fix this.
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08:00 AM
Hi, I just completed setting up CDP Private Base in a POC environment. I was in process of attempting AD (LDAP based) integration so that users get authenticated via Active Directory. I am unsure if there was a mis configuration, however, after restarting Cloudera Manager, I can't login to it via "Admin" account (local). Thought it has got AD integrated, tried multiple accounts from AD, however, none of them are working. Please help to re-enable admin (local) account. Thanks snm1523
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02:17 AM
Hello, I am in process of setting up a CDP cluster (private base) and in step of configuring local repositories. I have got the Cloudera repos configured via out standard repository solution, Artifactory since servers will not have access to public internet to access Cloudera archives. Now the URL given to me to access those repos has to be authenticated via a User ID and API key. So URL ultimately turns out something like this: https://<user>:<API Key>@Repo URL/ Questions are: 1. Is there a way I can configure a authentication based YUM repository for Cloudera Manager packages, without having the need to enter credentials in a plain text in base URL field of YUM repo? 2. Once we have Cloudera Manager installed, we can provide a custom repo link in Cloudera Manager to fetch Cloudera Runtime Parcels. At that stage, will Cloudera Manager accept Environment variables in the URL or that again has to be a plain text? Else, is there any other way to setup authentication based Cloudera runtime repo which can be used in Cloudera Manager so we don't have to provide these creds in a plain text. Thanks snm1523
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08:10 AM
1 Kudo
Hi All, I was able to get my script tested on my 10 nodes DEV cluster. Below are the results: 1. All HDP core services started / stopped okay 2. None of Hive Service Interactive service started and hence, Hive service was not marked as STARTED though HMS and HS2 were started okay 3. None of the Spark2_THRIFTSERVER was started Any one can share some thoughts on points 2 and 3? Thanks snm1523
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07:29 AM
Additional info @steven-matison, I checked further an API call for SPARK2 service and found a difference. Spark Thrift Server is reported as STARTED in the API output, however, on Ambari UI it is stopped. See the screenshots. Ambari UI: API Output: Any thoughts / suggestions. Thanks snm1523
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07:08 AM
@steven-matison Something like this. This time Spark, Kafka and Hive got stopped as expected, but since YARN took a longer to Stop (internal components were still getting stopped), moment script got service status of YARN as INSTALLED, it triggered HDFS and HDFS was waiting. Please refer to screenshot: What I want is to ensure previous service is completely started / stopped before the next one is triggered. Not sure if that is even possible. Thanks snm1523
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07:01 AM
Thank you for the response @steven-matison. I have 3 different scenarios so far: 1. Kafka, at times one or other Kafka Broker doesn't come up quickly. 2. Spark, Spark Thrift server is always not starting at the first place when bundled in an All services script. However, if called individually (only SPARK) works as expected. 3. Hive, we have around 6 Hive Interactive servers. HSI by nature takes a little long to start (they do start eventually though). In all the scenarios mentioned above, the moment there is an API call to start or stop service, the status in ServiceInfo field of API output changes to what is needed (i.e. Installed in case of Stop and Started in case of start), however, the underlying components are still doing their work to start / stop. Since, I am checking the status at the service level (reference below), the condition is passed and moves ahead. Ultimately I am in a situation of one service still starting / stopping and other is already triggered. str=$(curl -s -u $USER:$PASS http://{$HOST}/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER/services/$1) if [[ $str == *"INSTALLED"* ]] then finished=1 echo "\n$1 Stopped...\n" fi So far I have noticed this only for those 3 services. Hence, I am seeking suggestions on how do I overcome this OR if there is a way I could check status of each component of each service. Hope I was able to explain this better. Thanks snm1523
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01:28 AM
Thank you Andre. Wasn't aware. Actually I had used the steps mentioned in my reply during installation of Nifi. So thought might be useful in this case. Thanks Sunil
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07:41 AM
Hi, I am trying to perform a scripted start / stop of HDP services and its components. I need to get this done service by service, because there are few components like Hive Interactive / Spark Thrift server / Kafka broker, which does not get started / stopped in proper time. Most of the times it is observed that even if HSInteractive is still starting (visible in the background operations panel on Ambari), command moves to next service to start / stop and ultimately HSI fails. Hence, I also want to ensure that previous service is completely stopped / started, before attempting to stop / start next service in the list. To achieve, below is the script I have written (this is to stop, I have similar for start). However, when it reaches to the point for Hive or Spark or Kafka services, even though the the internal components like Hive Interactive or Spark Thrift server or Kafka broker are not started / stopped, it moves to the next service. Most of the times the start of Spark Thrift server fails via this script. However, if same API call is sent only for Spark or Hive individually it works as expected. Shell script for reference: USER='admin' PASS='admin' CLUSTER='xxxxxx' HOST='xxxxxx:8080' function stop(){ curl -s -u $USER:$PASS -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X PUT -d '{"RequestInfo": {"context" :"Stop '"$1"' via REST"}, "Body": {"ServiceInfo": {"state": "INSTALLED"}}}' http://$HOST/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER/services/$1 echo -e "\nWaiting for $1 to stop...\n" wait $1 "INSTALLED" maintOn $1 } function wait(){ finished=0 check=0 while [[] $finished -ne 1 ]] do str=$(curl -s -u $USER:$PASS http://{$HOST}/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER/services/$1) if [[ $str == *"INSTALLED"* ]] then finished=1 echo "\n$1 Stopped...\n" fi check=$((check+1)) sleep 3 done if [[ $check -eq 3 ]] then echo -e "\n${1} failed to stop after 3 attempts. Exiting...\n" exit $? fi } function maintOn(){ curl -u $USER:$PASS -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X PUT -d '{"RequestInfo":{"context":"Turn ON Maintenance Mode for $1 via Rest"},"Body":{"ServiceInfo":{"maintenance_state":"ON"}}}' http://$HOST/api/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER/services/$1 } stop AMBARI_INFRA_SOLR stop AMBARI_METRICS stop HDFS stop HIVE stop KAFKA stop MAPREDUCE2 stop SPARK2 stop YARN stop ZOOKEEPER Any help / guidance would be great. Thanks Snm1523
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07:04 AM
Hi @CookieCream, Should guide you on how do we get certificates generated. Apache NiFi Toolkit Guide Once you have this followed and certs generated, you will have a new created that will include truststore and keystore related properties. I have not tried anything on MacOS, but, I did saw there are some specific instructions for MacOS. Have a look Thanks snm1523
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