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08:03 PM
Is it possible to specify the staging directory for analyze table compute statistics instead of accepting the default that is. In our DR, the target hive database directory is read only but we have to keep our metadata in sync and need to run this command. But since the database directory is read only, the command fails. Appreciate any insights.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
06:18 PM
Hey all, thanks so much for the input. i went with msumbul's instructions and was able to successfully port a hive database from one cluster to another - so special thanks to msumbul!!! BTW I took out all the CREATE TABLEs out of the database. But what about other database objects? Procedures etc? Is there anyway to check for objects other than tables in a Hive database? Appreciate the insights.
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06:47 PM
Is there any command to show the create database command?
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01:53 PM
Hi msumbul, thats exactly what i thought as well. but hortonworks is saying it will mess up the metadata. "No, it is not tested and supported. The metadata
for the tables will be totally different." BTW is there an export capability in hive. ie can we export and import data. That way also I think we can create empty tables and import them in. Appreciate the insights.
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05:52 PM
We have a hive database on cluster 1. We want to move this hive database to cluster 2. Both clusters have other hive databases as well. For Hive backup, we normally backup the hive metadata on MYSQL and also the physical hive files (database directories with table sub-directories) and use this for restore. So for this purpose of backing up a single database we can get the particular database's data directory. But how to get the metadata for a particular database from MYSQL? Appreciate any insights.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
02:55 PM
Hi, is it possible to find out the number of rows in a table from the hive metastore? I don't want to run "select count(*) from <table>" from the hive prompt. Rather I am looking to find that count from the hive metadata. Appreciate any insights.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
06:10 PM
btw one small doubt : let us supposed that a region server we had originally was decommissioned. So if we import a table which was originally on that decommissioned region server what would happen?
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01:08 PM
1 Kudo
Will truncating a HBASE table affect the region server spread of data? Let us suppose I export the data of a HBASE table. Somebody deletes a lot of rows and now the app group wants to recover the table data from the backed up export. So now I truncate the table and then I import the data from the exported data. What effect will it (truncate/import) have on the region server on which the table originally existed? Appreciate the insights.
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- Labels:
Apache HBase