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04:26 PM
idea how to execute hive cli or hbase shell against a specific
In one of our clusters the default queue is
and there are two other queues.
But by default hive cli it is going against the default queue and
how to use other queues - say q1, q2 - with hive cli
or hbase shell.
Appreciate the feedback.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
06:22 PM
I have a hbase table with 3 rows. I export the table. Then I delete 1 row. Then I import from the exported data from step 1. There are still only 2 rows in the table. ???
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05:10 PM
Some questions regarding import/export in HBASE : I used below command to export a table : /usr/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Export emp /tmp/emp But could not find the output anywhere on the host - but finally found it within hdfs. What is the way to export to file system directory? Will import work only if the table is empty of data? So truncate table (to delete all data in table) needs to precede import command? Or is there an overwrite option in import (to overwrite existing data in table)? Is it possible to append data with import ie table already has some data and we want to add more data with import. Also is there any way to extract the table schemas including 'create table' from hbase - or is 'describe <table>' the only way? Appreciate the insights.
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
01:12 PM
Thanks for the response. In Ambari -> Zookeeper : I can see three entries for zookeeper server and 2 zookeeper clients installed. Not sure about server ip mapping and myid match - can you give more detail pls? [root@hdtesting1 etc]# netstat -tlpn | grep 2181
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 11297/java zoo.cfg : maxClientCnxns=50
# The number of milliseconds of each tick
# The number of ticks that the initial
# synchronization phase can take
# The number of ticks that can pass between
# sending a request and getting an acknowledgement
# the directory where the snapshot is stored.
# the port at which the clients will connect
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05:43 PM
When I run -server <hostname>:2181 I get repeated : 2017-03-31 13:42:05,992 - INFO [main-SendThread($SendThread@1142] - Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x0, likely server has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
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08:21 PM
Yes, already restarted zookeeper and resource manager. did not help. thanks.
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03:10 PM
Resource manager is down due to below error : 2017-03-28 13:32:05,609 FATAL resourcemanager.ResourceManager ( - Error starting ResourceManager
org.apache.hadoop.service.ServiceStateException: org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /rmstore I saw something earlier about formatting/removing /rmstore - but can't locate that now. Appreciate if somebody could provide a detailed answer to fix this issue.
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- Labels:
Apache YARN
08:04 PM
I am aware of both distcp and falcon - but I am NOT talking about either of those. I am talking about recovery/restore with a MySQL dump (hive database) and hive table files.
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06:31 PM
I have a MySQL dump file (which is an ascii file filled with sql commands like create database, create table, insert etc) and the table files directly copied from hive directory (these I believe are the actual table data files from hive). In the MYSQL dump file there are two places where the hostname of the source hivemetastore/hiveserver2/MySQL (all on same host) is mentioned. I don't see any mention of host which hosts the namenode name in this file. So were you referring to the Hive host where you said : "edit dump file to point to new clusters NameNode location" I think we can simply point the file to the MYSQL and it will run as SQL commands and create the database, tables, data etc. But after that how to get the data in from the hive data files? Appreciate the insights.
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02:53 PM
We have a hive database in one cluster. I want to have a copy of that database in a different cluster. So what is the process to do this? Appreciate a detailed step by step reply.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive