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Title | Views | Posted |
1811 | 06-12-2019 09:27 AM | |
3006 | 05-27-2019 08:29 AM | |
5027 | 05-27-2018 08:49 AM | |
4406 | 05-05-2018 10:47 PM | |
2747 | 05-05-2018 07:32 AM |
12:27 AM
I believe the below link will give you an idea of what you can get out from express and enterprise edition . Apart from the below link i think you wont be able to perform rollback of the configuration changes , cloudera navigator , disk management ,rolling upgrade etc . Let me know if this suffice .
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10:18 PM
based on the Cloudera KM below is the latest / recommended version that was tested 1.8u144
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09:44 AM
if you just want to load the image in the hive table not process fruther use binary data type , but to view or process you need to have like some java code to convert that into binary data before you load in to hive table. Something like Create table imageTable(id int , picture binary);
Load statement - point to the image location ..
could be either managed or external table
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09:28 AM
are you using beeline client tool ? did you try increasing heap on the below property HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS just curious to know below following what file format are you using ? is there any compression ? is table stats being collected ? is table being partitioned or buckted ?
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09:02 AM
yes this will stop all the service like hive impala spark kudu oozie solr etc sqoop however is a client tool. Hope this is suffice .
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11:10 AM
You can perform the below without stopping the namenode . hdfs dfsadmin -fetchImage Moreover its good to have HA configured to avoid single point of failure. I will provide a good link that talks more about the metadata Backup ,its really good blog.
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11:38 AM
Hey is your Hue ini looks good with Hive configuration ?
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11:38 AM
@Annkaa My bad lost in the thread , couldnt respond to you quickly . Looks like there is no metastore URI being provided in the ini file or the URI is wrong . Based on the exception . Caused by: MetaException(message:Could not connect to meta store using any of the URIs provided. Most recent failure: org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: Connection refused
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMe Let me know if that helps
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11:29 AM
Its best to understand the database system interms of how many connections can be made because the degree of parallelism depends on it that is the number of mappers also the number of cores , processor in the slave ,data block size , size of the data and its schema structure before hitting the production . Its always go to start with sample load of data with lower number of mappers ,the time it takes to complete and gradually increase or adjust accordingly .
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04:11 AM
try using cloudera / cloudera for both username / password. let me know if that helps
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