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1965 | 04-30-2021 11:28 PM | |
1734 | 03-01-2021 08:28 PM | |
4703 | 06-10-2020 09:10 PM |
12:41 AM
Hi, went through my testing again. Unfortunately, I missed the step where I need to change/add the parameters on my commandline. Change my TeraGen, TeraSort and TeraValidate parameter and got better results TeraGen: 1 min 57 sec TeraSort: 22min 55sec TeraValidate: 1 min 23sec. Thank you very much for your writeup again.
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11:27 PM
Hi @sunile_manjee . Thank you very much for this excellent writeup and testing. I got the chance to run TeraGen, Terasort and TeraValidate with an environment which have around 40+ worker node with 3 master recently. Comparing to your results, it seems that for the Teragen mine is quite bad. My results: Teragen 57mnt 44sec, TeraSort 49mnt 01sec TeraValidate 4mnt16sec My spec: Masternode,cpu:16core , RAM:384GB Storage:12x2TB SATA 6Gb 7.2K RPM Workernode,cpu:24core, RAM;384GB Storage: 12x2TB NL SAS 12Gb 7.2k RPM network badwidth:20gbps My observation It believe the speed of the disk is very important here. Since my disk is only using SATA&SAS instead of SSD, I'm assuming this is the core reason why my Teragen results is bad even I got more nodes. Please correct me if this is not the case. But one thing that I saw from your BigStep test, the workernode is using local HDD not SSD like the AWS nodes. Shouldn't this decrease the TeraGen results? but it was the fastest one at 11min 49seconds. I also read from your test here The performance is way better using 5nodes against 3nodes. I wass hoping my 40+ node will top this, but it is not. Any advice is very very appreciated. P/s: I play with YARN configuration to try to get a better result. I set Map&Reduce cores&memory to 8 & 64GB. Do you think this help? Default setting (1core and 1gb ram)will make my terasort crash.
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10:37 PM
Hi, I tried to get the CDP documentation in pdf using the pdf button on the online document. Its good, but I found out that some of the screenshot image became lot bigger and does not fit within the document(Some is perfectly fine). Is this can be repaired or I'm asking a bit too much. In this example i used Thank you very much. the pdf button that i used this is the same page as the 1st picture
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- Labels:
Cloudera Data Platform (CDP)
09:54 PM
Alright. THanks man
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02:30 AM
Thanks @GangWar . Thats mean, if my CM Database resides outside of the CM server itself and it is working fine, I can skip the restoring old CM DB part right?I just need to install new CM and point it to the existing CM DB using the installation wizard correct? But for the old monitoring data part,I believe my old monitoring data might be available since my cm management services data is still available in another server. Isn't that the case? Thanks
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10:18 PM
Thanks. I just installed it manually on the cluster. Worked fine as of now. Looking forward for the future supported version.
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10:12 PM
1 Kudo
I think you can just run the linux command anytime. Your command will only be HDFS command once you use #hdfs dfs
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10:04 PM
Hi everyone, Let say my existing Cloudera manager is managing a 10 node cluster. What happen if my cloudera manager server is down?(my cloudera management service is on diffrerent server and I'm using external database for the setup). Can I immediately setup a new server, reinstall cloudera manager here, and manage the existing cluster without too much effort on the configuration and setup? I'm worried about the TLS setting, keberos setting,etc. Can it be preserve and work the way it was before the cloudera manager is replaced I believe the data in the HDFS should be safe right? Thanks
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09:49 PM
Hi everyone,
How do you guys install/manage Druid through Cloudera Manager? Been trying to find the parcel or CSD file for installation without any luck.
Is this option coming soon or you just install druid directly on the servers. I understand that Druid was one of the components that can be install on Ambari previously. Is this going to be the same on Cloudera Data Platform or Cloudera CDH version 5 or 6.
Thank you very much.
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09:14 PM
@meridee yeah, this is what I meant. Thanks I actually just got a confirmation on this from another Cloudera representative and he is saying the same thing as Bender said ,where the cloudera runtime 7.1.1 will be hidden during the Cloudera Manger 7.1.1 installation unless you have the license. Thats why I'm only seeing legacy CDH version for my trial installation. So sad. Thanks anyway.@Bender
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