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28719 | 02-06-2017 11:23 AM | |
7077 | 11-30-2016 12:56 AM | |
8003 | 11-29-2016 11:57 PM | |
3879 | 08-16-2016 11:45 AM | |
3798 | 05-10-2016 01:55 PM |
09:12 AM
Yes, correct, moving out the old, corrupted files and copying in the files from a working Journal Node should allow you to start the journalnode.
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09:24 PM
3 Kudos
This check seems to be added from /data01/dfs/jn/pt-nameservice/current/edits_inprogress_0000000000182289435 is either corrupted, or perhaps It is a log from before an upgrade? Either way, To get it back I would suggest backing up the /data01/dfs/jn/pt-nameservice/current/ directory somewhere else and copy the journalnode data from one of your other journalnodes to that location.
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09:23 PM
Based on the screenshot, it looks like you have only one node with 1 GB available? note that this 1GB is what is usable with both Heap and Virtual combined on the server side, what you specify in is heap memory only from the link above, re-linked here[1] YARN will automatically calculate the virtual memory to add to the task using the yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio (default 2.1), and then round up to the yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb (default 1024MiB). the math would be: 1GiB (task heap memory) * 1024 = 1024MiB task heap memory 1024MiB*2.1 = 2150.4 Virtual memory round to nearest 1024 (2150) = 3072MiB total memory needed for task. If you can't give the cluster more resources, you can tweak the yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio (you do still need some overhead) and you can set yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb to smaller increments. setting and mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb to (1024MiB/2.1) would allow the AM to run without tweaking either. but note that for YARN, you need the AM to run as well as at least 1 task. so you really must set yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb to 512 or smaller, and then the target for and mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb would be 512MiB/2.1 = 240. 240 MB may work, depending on what you are running. [1]
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10:11 PM
guessing like this: (assuming you want search-replace to be applied first, regex second) .... agent.sources.localsource.interceptors = search-replace regex = search_replace agent.sources.localsource.interceptors.regex.type = regex_filter ....
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10:49 AM
It would appear you can "chain" them by putting the interceptors that are desired in a list in the order you want them applied. I have never personally done it, so I can't say for sure. Hope this helps! [1]"Flume supports chaining of interceptors. This is made possible through by specifying the list of interceptor builder class names in the configuration. Interceptors are specified as a whitespace separated list in the source configuration. The order in which the interceptors are specified is the order in which they are invoked. The list of events returned by one interceptor is passed to the next interceptor in the chain." [1]
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11:41 PM
Perhaps the Regex Filtering Interceptor is what you were looking for?
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11:25 PM
2 Kudos
So am I understanding correctly? Data generating server -> HTTP Post -> Flume HTTP Source -> Flume sink -> etc. and you want to make two Flume HTTP Source machines that can be written to and be able to recieve that data, in case one of them went down? You also don't want to have to manage something like a load balancer/proxy in between the Data generating server and the Flume HTTP Source box? If you can handle de-duplication on your back-end, then I think you could do this by sending the same data to two different Flume HTTP Source servers at the same time, possibly tagging the data in your sink to help you de-duplicate later. Data generating server -> HTTP Post -> Flume HTTP Source - Flume sink with tag --> to de-duplication | --------------------> HTTP Post -> Flume HTTP Source - Flume sink with tag --> to de-duplication
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11:08 PM
1 Kudo
doing some quick searching, this blog seems to be doing what I think is your intent, taking logs, storing in kafka, distributing to various consumers, one of those consumers being Cloudera Search (solr) [1] you could make it simpler and store directly to solr[2] if you aren't planning on consuming the same data from multiple sources. instead of logstash you could also use Flume [3] [4] as well. [1] [2] [3] [4]
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10:44 PM
So this is 13 days late, so I'm imagining you already have a solution or have moved on. Commenting for future searchers. As you have learned the hard way, the only "safe" hbck option is the -fixAssignments option. every other option is potentially dangerous. Having said that, I've experienced -fixAssignments multiply assign regions if there are regions in transition. this can be fixed by running -fixAssignments again, or by failing over the HMaster and allowing the assignment manager to fix it. Unfortunately there isn't a single way that the -repair option could have trashed things. There are 3 "brains" for Hbase, there is the data in HDFS under /hbase for each region in the .regioninfo file, the zookeeper data, and the Hbase .META. region. Depending on which one having a problem will determine which option is the proper one to get fixed. When having an issue, The first step is to figure out which one of these is incorrect. This is a deep topic so i've added some helpful links to read more on this[1][2] Based on all of your tables disappearing, but presumably being able to read it before I would assume that There were holes detected for basically all tables, and detected from a previous region state with different splits. hbase decided to fix it by filling those "holes" with empty regions, deleting the existing regions. To recover from that, You would shut down hbase, move the table files from .Trash in hdfs back to the original location and do an offline meta repair. hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.hbck.OfflineMetaRepair. From there you bring up hbase and troubleshoot any issues from there. Again, This would only be proper based on the assumption above being correct, and would absolutely not be the proper action if HDFS were corrupt and it was Meta that was correct. [1] [2]
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09:44 PM
I've seen this happen when the job is requesting more memory than you have allowed YARN to have on any one given host. The job is scheduled, waiting for a node with enough memory to check in and take it, which won't happen since you don't have any one node that can take it on. Try adjusting, mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb, and on your cluster and from the node you are running the job from. here are some helpful resources for YARN tuning:
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