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Title | Views | Posted |
3796 | 05-28-2019 07:41 AM | |
2371 | 05-28-2019 06:49 AM | |
1953 | 12-20-2018 10:54 AM | |
1390 | 06-27-2018 09:05 AM | |
7333 | 06-27-2018 09:02 AM |
11:46 AM
HI @Geoffrey Shelton Okot Following properties i have defined in custom spark2-default configuration. spark.hadoop.hive.zookeeper.quorum spark.hadoop.hive.llap.daemon.service.hosts spark.datasource.hive.warehouse.load.staging.dir spark.datasource.hive.warehouse.metastoreUri spark.sql.hive.hiveserver2.jdbc.url yes we're using kerberized cluster.
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11:43 AM
Hi @subhash parise I have tried same.. But still hive database is not visible.
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10:27 AM
Hi @Geoffrey Shelton Okot After completed steps hive database still not accessible from spark shell.
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10:24 AM
Hi @Sampath Kumar I have enabled the hive interactive query and added the properties in custom spark2-default configuration file spark.hadoop.hive.llap.daemon.service.hosts=@llap0 spark.datasource.hive.warehouse.load.staging.dir=/tmp
spark.sql.hive.hiveserver2.jdbc.url=jdbc:hive2:// But still hive database is not accessible by spark-shell.
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07:23 AM
Hi Folks, Hope all are doing well.!!! I've upgrade HDP 2.6.5 to HDP successfully. now i'm trying to connecting hive datbases using spark-shell, i'm unable to see any hive databases. Even i have copied /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml to /etc/spark2/conf/ and restarted spark service. After restart spark service, hive-site.xml to original xml file. Have there any alternative solution to resolve the issue? Kindly assist me to fix the issue.
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10:54 AM
Hi I have resolved the issue. i have done all steps on that node where i was facing issue First i clean cache from /tmp to some temporary directory. Then move all keytabs from /etc/security/keytabs/ to other temporary directory and finally i restart ambari-agent where i was facing issue. Then tried regenerate keytabs which i got successfully. Now i have resumed the upgradation.
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10:13 AM
Hi @Owez Mujawar Ambari server and amabri agent version is Output of host_version is ambari=> select * from host_version;
id | repo_version_id | host_id | state
-----+-----------------+---------+----------- 57 | 51 | 1 | CURRENT 56 | 51 | 7 | CURRENT 53 | 51 | 3 | CURRENT 55 | 51 | 4 | CURRENT 54 | 51 | 5 | CURRENT 52 | 51 | 6 | CURRENT 51 | 51 | 2 | CURRENT
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07:36 AM
Hi Folks I'm upgrading HDP 2.6.5 to 3.0.1, between i got below error "Check Keytabs Kerberos Client" Caught an exception while executing custom service command: <type 'exceptions.Exception'>: Command requires configs with timestamp=1545289935876 but configs on agent have timestamp=1545289934256; Command requires configs with timestamp=1545289935876 but configs on agent have timestamp=1545289934256
I'm trying to find the issue. Please help me
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09:41 AM
Thanks @Geoffrey Shelton Okot Also i have found the problem. Whenever we install new HDP or upgrade HDP, we specify the repository path of HDP and HDP-UTILS in UI, accordingly ambari create repo on all agents with name of HDP-2.6-repo-51, HDP-UTILS- But i had also created HDP and HDP-UTILS repository manually on all nodes and all HDP packages had installed with manually repository path. When i was starting services, hbase client and other client find HDP-2.6-repo-51 repository for install the client which i was not getting. Now i have disable the manually repository and reinstall the client package manually. It's working fine.
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06:09 AM
Hi Folks, Yesterday evening i had successfully done up-gradation HDP 2.6.4 to 2.6.5 but today when i started all services: i found following message in logs: 2018-12-12 06:01:03,067 - File['/etc/yum.repos.d/ambari-hdp-51.repo'] {'content': '[HDP-2.6-repo-51]\nname=HDP-2.6-repo-51\nbaseurl=\n\npath=/\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=0'}
2018-12-12 06:01:03,068 - Writing File['/etc/yum.repos.d/ambari-hdp-51.repo'] because contents don't match
2018-12-12 06:01:03,068 - Repository with url is not created due to its tags: set([u'GPL'])
2018-12-12 06:01:03,069 - Repository['HDP-UTILS-'] {'append_to_file': True, 'base_url': '', 'action': ['create'], 'components': [u'HDP-UTILS', 'main'], 'repo_template': '[{{repo_id}}]\nname={{repo_id}}\n{% if mirror_list %}mirrorlist={{mirror_list}}{% else %}baseurl={{base_url}}{% endif %}\n\npath=/\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=0', 'repo_file_name': 'ambari-hdp-51', 'mirror_list': None}
2018-12-12 06:01:03,074 - File['/etc/yum.repos.d/ambari-hdp-51.repo'] {'content': '[HDP-2.6-repo-51]\nname=HDP-2.6-repo-51\nbaseurl=\n\npath=/\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=0\n[HDP-UTILS-]\nname=HDP-UTILS-\nbaseurl=\n\npath=/\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=0'}
2018-12-12 06:01:03,074 - Writing File['/etc/yum.repos.d/ambari-hdp-51.repo'] because contents don't match
2018-12-12 06:01:03,075 - Package['unzip'] {'retry_on_repo_unavailability': False, 'retry_count': 5}
2018-12-12 06:01:03,181 - Skipping installation of existing package unzip
2018-12-12 06:01:03,181 - Package['curl'] {'retry_on_repo_unavailability': False, 'retry_count': 5}
2018-12-12 06:01:03,192 - Skipping installation of existing package curl
2018-12-12 06:01:03,192 - Package['hdp-select'] {'retry_on_repo_unavailability': False, 'retry_count': 5}
2018-12-12 06:01:03,208 - Skipping installation of existing package hdp-select
2018-12-12 06:01:03,217 - The repository with version for this command has been marked as resolved. It will be used to report the version of the component which was installed
2018-12-12 06:01:03,533 - Stack Feature Version Info: Cluster Stack=2.6, Command Stack=None, Command Version=None -> 2.6
2018-12-12 06:01:03,543 - Using hadoop conf dir: /usr/hdp/
2018-12-12 06:01:03,548 - checked_call['hostid'] {}
2018-12-12 06:01:03,552 - checked_call returned (0, '1a0a1023')
2018-12-12 06:01:03,561 - Command repositories: HDP-2.6-repo-51, HDP-2.6-GPL-repo-51, HDP-UTILS-
2018-12-12 06:01:03,562 - Applicable repositories: HDP-2.6-repo-51, HDP-2.6-GPL-repo-51, HDP-UTILS-
2018-12-12 06:01:03,565 - Looking for matching packages in the following repositories: HDP-2.6-repo-51, HDP-2.6-GPL-repo-51, HDP-UTILS-
2018-12-12 06:01:06,299 - No package found for hbase_${stack_version}(hbase_(\d|_)+$)
2018-12-12 06:01:06,303 - The repository with version for this command has been marked as resolved. It will be used to report the version of the component which was installed
Command failed after 1 tries
Same error occurred for multiple service.
Could you please suggest if i had done any wrong upgrdation?
Vinay K
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