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Title | Views | Posted |
3796 | 05-28-2019 07:41 AM | |
2371 | 05-28-2019 06:49 AM | |
1953 | 12-20-2018 10:54 AM | |
1390 | 06-27-2018 09:05 AM | |
7333 | 06-27-2018 09:02 AM |
11:49 AM
Hi Folks, I am using HDP 2.6.4 version, where i have installed hbase active and standby server with three region server. I have started both on after another and both started successfully but both node automatically shutting down in some down while our HDFS is fully healthy. Following are the logs from hbase: 2018-12-10 10:17:20,767 INFO [LruBlockCacheStatsExecutor] hfile.LruBlockCache: totalSize=417.42 KB, freeSize=395.89 MB, m
ax=396.30 MB, blockCount=0, accesses=0, hits=0, hitRatio=0, cachingAccesses=0, cachingHits=0, cachingHitsRatio=0,evictions
=209, evicted=0, evictedPerRun=0.0
2018-12-10 10:18:48,539 INFO [Init Namespace Manager and Quota Manager Async] master.TableNamespaceManager: Waiting for n
amespace table to be online. Time waited = 2100006 ms.
2018-12-10 10:22:20,767 INFO [LruBlockCacheStatsExecutor] hfile.LruBlockCache: totalSize=417.42 KB, freeSize=395.89 MB, m
ax=396.30 MB, blockCount=0, accesses=0, hits=0, hitRatio=0, cachingAccesses=0, cachingHits=0, cachingHitsRatio=0,evictions
=239, evicted=0, evictedPerRun=0.0
2018-12-10 10:23:48,538 ERROR [Init Namespace Manager and Quota Manager Async] master.HMaster: Namespace manager failed to
start. Timedout 2400000ms waiting for namespace table to be assigned
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.TableNamespaceManager.start(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster$
2018-12-10 10:23:48,539 FATAL [Init Namespace Manager and Quota Manager Async] master.HMaster: Master server abort: loaded
coprocessors are: []
2018-12-10 10:23:48,539 FATAL [Init Namespace Manager and Quota Manager Async] master.HMaster: Shutdown Master due to name
space manager failed to start. Timedout 2400000ms waiting for namespace table to be assigned
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.TableNamespaceManager.start(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster$
2018-12-10 10:23:48,539 INFO [Init Namespace Manager and Quota Manager Async] regionserver.HRegionServer: STOPPED: Shutdo
wn Master due to namespace manager failed to start.
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
Apache HBase
06:46 PM
Hi Community Team, I'm trying to dig deeper in HDP component how HDP component works? How one compent call to other other component? How can i achieve it? Could you please help me to find the hadoop in deep? Thanks, Vinay K
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
06:27 AM
ranger-hive-policy.png Hi All, I'm exploring the ranger hive policy, I can create policy on database, table , column lebel. I'm trying to understand url and hiveservice policy. What are the use case of these both policy in hive policy detail? url and hiveservice is available in hive policy. Please refer screenshot. Can anyone help me to understand the both use case? Regards, Vinay k
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Ranger
10:01 AM
Hi, We was facing same issue.We tried some resolution First we tried: grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'hadoop04' identified by 'password'; again we was facing same issue SQLException : SQL state: 42000 com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Access denied for user 'root'@'hadoop04' to database 'ranger' ErrorCode: 1044
2018-07-03 15:13:50,524 [E] Granting privileges to 'rangeradmin' failed on 'ranger' we had tried with IP address grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'ip_address_of_rangerhost' identified by 'password'; Which works for me. Regards Vinay K
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09:05 AM
Well , i find two solution. I hope it is correct 1. Either we have to create user on OS where ResourceManager installed. Or 2. We have to configure ldap client example sssd which will integrate with AD server. Let me know if anyone have query.
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09:02 AM
Hi, I have configured the sssd with AD server. Now i'm able to run query. Thanks Let me know if anyone having any query.
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05:32 AM
Hi @Vinicius Higa Murakami No, asif user does not exist on any Nodemanager/ResourceManager machines. I had setup-ldap(AD) with ambari-server. Then i had setup one way trust MIT KDC with AD. I believe i don't need to setup sssd service. I have defined asif user in ranger policy for use all queue. Even i had tried to add user on OS of ResourceManeger, i was able to execute query by asif. But i don't want to add each user on ResourceManager's OS.
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11:53 AM
Hi Folks, I have 3 node cluster in my environment, where i have configured kerberos & ranger integrated with Active Directory. I have setup one way trust MIT KDC. Now while i'm running hive query, i'm getting below logs: Diagnostics: Application application_1528875723692_0001 initialization failed (exitCode=255) with output: main : command provided 0 main : run as user is asif main : requested yarn user is asif User asif not found If i create user on OS server where yarn install, I'm able to run query. But i don't want to create user on OS because i have setup with AD. How yarn understand about AD user?
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
Apache YARN