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Title | Views | Posted |
2495 | 09-14-2017 11:20 PM | |
3401 | 06-20-2017 06:26 PM | |
1800 | 05-31-2017 07:27 PM | |
1202 | 02-07-2017 06:24 PM | |
9874 | 01-04-2017 11:11 PM |
11:03 PM
Hi PD, This is a known bug in AMS. The cause is that AMS uses its own instance of Yarn ATS as the application server, and has the cluster core-site in its conf directory (/etc/ambari-metrics-collector/conf). Since the core-site has spnego configs used by cluster Hadoop components, this ATS picks them up, and acts as a spnego enabled end point, even though AMS has no spnego support. The workaround fix ( was recently checked into branch-2.4, and should be part of next Ambari release - 2.4.2. The long term solution of supporting SPNEGO in AMS is being worked on as part of, and is planned for Ambari-2.5.0.
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09:23 PM
Hi P D, Do you have SPNEGO enabled for Hadoop components on the cluster?
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06:17 PM
Hi Jigar, Can you check if a Grafana instance is already running on that host, and Ambari is not picking it up? ps aux | grep grafana If it is running, please check if cat /var/run/ambari-metrics-grafana/ matches the process id. If it is not running, please share the Grafana logs (/var/log/ambari-metrics-grafana/*)
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10:40 PM
13 Kudos
Hi @ARUN, Please clear the contents of /var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbase-tmp/zookeeper/* and restart Ambari metrics collector. Let me know if that works! Thanks
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11:31 PM
Kumar, Do you have access to Ambari UI? You can use the Ambari UI Host summary page to do this. http://<ambari_server_host>:8080/#/main/hosts/<hostname>/summary
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06:20 PM
1 Kudo
Hi Angel, From your error, it looks like AMS is talking to cluster zookeeper (port 2181) . AMS in Version uses it's own zookeeper in all modes of operation (port 61181). Can you share your hbase-site.xml in /etc/ams-hbase/conf ? That will help us figure out the issue. Thanks!
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07:25 PM
Can you share the Ambari Agent log on the Metrics collector host? That might give us some useful info. /var/log/ambari-agent/ambari-agent.log
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08:36 PM
1 Kudo
What version of Ambari is this? I assume the value of your config item in ams-site : "timeline.metrics.service.operation.mode" is embedded. Please verify the config ams-hbase-site : hbase.cluster.distributed = false. If both of these configs are as stated above, and you still get an error for hbase.rootdir = file:///local/var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbase, please omit the warning and go ahead the deploy the services. Also, please share the screenshot for the warning you see so that we can create a bug to track it. In general, AMS operates in 2 modes. embedded : Single AMS HBase daemon writing to local disk. distributed : Separate AMS HBase master and RS daemons by default writing to HDFS.
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09:40 PM
@GAUTHIER CHRETIEN What do you see in the AMS HBase logs? You will find them in the same directory as Ambari metrics collector logs.
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09:34 PM
2 Kudos
Could be because of This has been fixed in the next Ambari release (2.2.2). For a workaround please try commenting these 2 properties in /etc/ambari-server/conf/ #recovery.enabled_components=METRICS_COLLECTOR
#recovery.type=AUTO_START Restart Ambari Server.
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