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Title | Views | Posted |
1957 | 09-19-2018 06:31 PM | |
1442 | 09-13-2018 09:33 PM | |
1414 | 09-04-2018 05:29 PM | |
4417 | 08-27-2018 04:33 PM | |
3484 | 08-22-2018 07:46 PM |
12:47 AM
Manish Anand There is a bug in 2.4.0 - server some times does not get restart when you do "ambari-server stop" Run ps -aef | grep ambari-server it gives you PID - kill -9 PID then start again and check
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12:39 AM
Manish Anand what is the Ambari version? if it is 2.4.0 then kill Ambari server process and start again.
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07:16 PM
@Vladislav Falfushinsky Can you attach your blueprint json file?
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07:10 PM
@Saurabh Singh Did you already enabled Ambari-server for kerberos? In Ambari 2.4 - server by defaults creates and configure the principal for Ambari-server Can you check kerberos_principal table and see whether entry present for that principal?
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06:37 PM
@Prasanta Sahoo what is the Ambari version are you using? If you have Ambari 2.4.x then can you check 1. "/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/common-services/RANGER_KMS/" folder/file exist? if that does not exist then your Ambari-server is not installed properly. 2. if that file/folder is present then check for "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common/services/RANGER_KMS/" at the Agent host. basically Ambari-server pushes this files/folders to Ambari-agents. so restart Agent once and then try to check. Let me know your findings. Let
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06:16 PM
2 Kudos
@Georg Heiler Just reviewing the your blueprint json content at can you please check why there is a space between hostname and port number for db_host and policymanager_external_url? Please correct and try again. "policymgr_external_url" : "http:// mn01.vagrant :6080", "db_host" : " mn01.vagrant :3306",
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05:46 PM
@Morten R what is your Ambari-server system configuration? how many CPUs, RAM size? can you increase "agent.threadpool.size.max" value to say 100 and restart ambari-sever and check?
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10:26 PM
@Michael Locatelli thats good to hear , feel free to add me for any SSL issues.
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09:58 PM
@Michael Locatelli In keystore files have only corresponding cert - remove truststore certs and other stuff, since we are not defining any alias name in the configurations. Ex: Correct keystore file should look alike if i list it like, keytool -list -keystore skeystore.jks ------------- Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry, Nov 16, 2016, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 50:2B:EF:1F:58:07:C3:0A:C6:29:B8:49:7B:98:1B:DD:A0:A8:33:A9 ------------- If you observe in the outout - there is no trustedCertEntry.
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09:52 PM
1 Kudo
@Michael Locatelli You will have to disable the client auth at HDFS side. set hadoop.ssl.require.client.cert=false and restart the services. You can follow the article that I have published some time back at
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