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Title | Views | Posted |
7797 | 09-17-2018 06:33 AM | |
1954 | 08-29-2018 07:48 AM | |
2934 | 08-28-2018 12:38 PM | |
2288 | 08-03-2018 05:42 AM | |
2153 | 07-27-2018 04:00 PM |
07:42 AM
@Saurabh I verified in my cluster and I am able to see the table structure. Is the issue specific to views created on huge tables? hive> create view pre_load_table_view as select * from pre_load_table;
Time taken: 0.386 seconds
hive> show create table pre_load_table_view;
CREATE VIEW `pre_load_table_view` AS select `pre_load_table`.`comp_id`, `pre_load_table`.`item`, `pre_load_table`.`local_supp_code`, `pre_load_table`.`forecast_id`, `pre_load_table`.`transaction_date`, `pre_load_table`.`planned_need_date`, `pre_load_table`.`mfg_partno`, `pre_load_table`.`local_mfg_code`,`pre_load_table`.`forecast_qty_inv`, `pre_load_table`.`forecast_qty_pur`, `pre_load_table`.`purchasing_uom`, `pre_load_table`.`forecast_method`, `pre_load_table`.`b2b_communicated`, `pre_load_table`.`file_name` from `default`.`pre_load_table`
Time taken: 0.535 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
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07:34 AM
@Raj B If you are using HCatalog with Sqoop, then Sqoop Hive options that are not supported with HCatalog jobs includes (link😞 --hive-import --hive-overwrite Approach is to use hive-import instead of -hcatalog. For example, sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --username root --password 'hr' --table sample --hive-import --hive-overwrite --hive-table sqoophive -m 1 --fields-terminated-by '\t' --lines-terminated-by '\n'
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08:16 AM
@viswanath For a partitioned table, the idea is as follows: A 'S' lock on table and relevant partition is acquired when a read is being performed. For all other operations, an 'X' lock is taken on the partition. However, if the change is only applicable to the newer partitions, a 'S' lock is acquired on the table, whereas if the change is applicable to all partitions, a 'X' lock is acquired on the table. Thus, older partitions can be read and written into, while the newer partitions are being converted to RCFile. Whenever a partition is being locked in any mode, all its parents are locked in 'S' mode. If you are running 'select' query on the whole of table, then it would wait for the exclusive lock. For more details, refer to link.
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07:28 AM
@Saravanan Ramaraj Try collecting the statistics for the table both at table level and column level. Then, try running the queries. Use of stats should improve the performance. Also, refer link1 and link2 for Hive performance tuning.
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12:42 PM
@vicky singh Can you share the error you are facing?
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06:46 AM
1 Kudo
@Ashok Rai For now, Hive ACID+Spark is not a supported feature. This is being tracked as Jira SPARK-15348.
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06:25 AM
@Aditya Sirna Try listing the installed packages using yum command: yum list installed | grep mpack
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05:05 AM
1 Kudo
@Eon kitex There is an ambari metrics plugin used by Nimbus that also needed to be upgrade and was provided in the ambari-metrics-monitor or hadoop-sink components. To perform the upgrade from both ambari-metrics-monitor and ambari-metrics-hadoop-sink on all nodes of the cluster. If you have metrics service added, it is recommended to shutdown all of the Ambari Metrics components and run the following: -> yum upgrade ambari-metrics-monitor -> yum upgrade ambari-metrics-hadoop-sink on each node of the cluster and then try starting Nimbus service.
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06:11 PM
@Riccardo Iacomini Sure, there are several ORC issues addressed in 2.6.2.
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