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2492 | 03-24-2019 05:54 PM | |
3450 | 03-16-2019 04:51 PM | |
3450 | 03-16-2019 04:15 AM | |
1416 | 08-04-2018 12:44 PM | |
2262 | 07-23-2018 01:35 PM |
07:11 PM
Data Analytics Studio (DAS) however is not open source or free and requires a Hortonworks Subscription.
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04:58 PM
This isn't limited to cloud installations, any server where /tmp is mounted noexec will have this issue and that is generally considered a security best practice. HDF 3.1.0 did not have this issue
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05:29 PM
I'm pretty sure this is no longer correct. Oozie supports Kerberos delegation for the Hive2 actions though I have yet to get it all working on the latest release of HDP 2.6
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12:44 PM
1 Kudo
@Venkat It's an interface that allows tools like Pig, MapReduce and Spark to access and create Hive Tables and Views. See HCatalog
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01:47 PM
I'm pretty sure the parameter "orc.compress" doesn't apply to tables "stored as textfile". In the error message above it's obvious hive detected snappy and then for some reason ran out of memory. How big is the Snappy file and how much memory is allocated on your cluster for Yarn?
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01:35 PM
I would just read the table with the LazySimpleSerDe and use the substr() function to extract out the columns. I've found that to be more performant than the RegexSerDe and it's clearer to read. You can either run the substring query directly or put it in a view.
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01:31 PM
1 Kudo
You can get the explain plan by just adding the keyword EXPLAIN before the sql statement and executing it. Some SQL Tools will automatically trim part of the command so make sure you highlight EXPLAIN and the entire Query. That will just generate the plan and doesn't run the query. The TEZ Summary is a summary of actual work performed so there's no way to get it without running the query.
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04:31 PM
Some functionality is there but the ability to browse the hive structure in a visual fashion is gone and some capability like viewing the applicable Ranger policies aren’t possible from jdbc. Definitely a step backwards no matter what.
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01:43 PM
Superset also doesn't appear to work with Kerberos or Hive HTTP Transport so it's really not a replacement. We're going to have to wait to upgrade until Hortonworks can provided a suitable replacement for browsing Hive via web browser.
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05:00 PM
You're using the Cloudera driver not the Hortonworks driver so you might not get many responses. How are you using the parameter UseNativeQuery in your JDBC Connection String? I think it should be UseNativeQuery=1 but I don't normally use the Cloudera Driver. Can you attach an example of your connection string with the hostname anonymized?
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