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2367 | 11-22-2021 08:37 AM | |
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1648 | 12-08-2020 09:27 AM | |
2722 | 10-14-2020 03:58 AM | |
1259 | 10-12-2020 10:29 AM |
09:17 AM
@kumar79 I am not very sure with your complete use case, if you explain more would be better. Why you want to take date from shell/cron? you can use UpdateAttribute processor with custom property and use NiFi Regular Expression language to set date for you. E.g The attribute later you can use in your flow to satisfy QL condition. Hope it helps. -Akash
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09:05 AM
@DarkStar Is the join query works fine on PostgreSQL CLI? If yes, then what is the jdbc driver you are using? is that jdbc version supports joins with duplicate fields? It looks like you have T1.track_id and T3.track_id which are conflicting. May be can you try to change the field name, test it on psql CLI and then test again in NiFi ? -Akash
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08:49 AM
@scoe74 If it is just token you have to take from SiteA and then using that token you can download data from SiteB then you can use 1st InvokeHTTP to take the token, add the token as flowfile attribute and then using that token you can use 2nd InvokeHTTP to download the data. Hope it helps you. -Akash
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12:21 AM
1 Kudo
@dzbeda You should extend the Content repo as it will store the content of your flowfiles. Please go through the best practices for setup Also note that NiFi should not be used as backup for any failover mechanism as it is meant for processing and not for storage. I would recommend to store the data to may be some centralised location from where you can store and retrieve data as per use case and in case of failure as well you can have backup on that location. NiFi can be used to hold data for a day or 2 but if it is not processed then it will hold data at content repository and can fill the content repo storage.
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02:30 AM
Do you see any Warns, Errors for "CN=admin, OU=ApacheNiFi" user in nifi-user.log file when you login to the ui?
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08:16 AM
@Vapper Looks like there are issues with authorization, can you please check your authorizations.xml file and check if the user you have mentioned in INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY is assigned to all expected policies?
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05:28 AM
@fgarcia Cloudera NiFi Kafka processors should work with all Kafka distributions be it HDP, CDH, CDP, Confluent or Apache Kafka. We generally recommend to use *Kafka_0_10 with Broker version as 0.10 and likewise. Hope it helps 🙂
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03:58 AM
@justenji The timestamp details are not exposed by NiFi on Flow but NiFi does maintain it in flow history. [Only if NiFi is secured with SSL] So you can try https://${hostname}:${NIFI_PORT}/nifi-api/flow/history/components/{componentId} to get the details. But it will provide all history of that component you have to parse it as per your need. Note that this info gets purged as per flow history parameters in so you will have these details not from beginning but beginning of the date [days/hours] mentioned in properties. If you are looking for flow timestamp when it is exported to NiFi-Registry then checkout for https://${hostname}:${NR_PORT}//nifi-registry-api/buckets/{bucketId}/flows/{flowId} Br, Akash
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10:29 AM
@sunile_manjee I am not very familiar with AWS ELB but you can try to use HandleHttpRequest and HandleHttpResponse processors and check if it serves your use case
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10:18 AM
@rstewart Counter is in-memory content for NiFi service. There is no direct way to get value of particular counter. But you can try below call to get a json response from NiFi about all counters. curl -v -X GET "https://$HOSTNAME:9091/nifi-api/counter" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Connection: close" -k Once you get the Json response you can parse it as per your use case
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