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12:00 PM
I have several flowfile with the same name( in my case it can be date) i want to merge together flowfiles with the same name i tried to use mergecontent and increased minimumGroupSize to 10 kb and even increased maximum number of bins but nothing helps I got this instead of one flowfile with the same name, what should i do?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
06:43 PM
I have one GenerateFlowfile which should generate flowfiles with parameters like : startDate,endDate and param, then i want to invoke three online webservice, but i want to invoke services one after another i mean i don't wnat to start second service if nifi hasn't ended data processing from previous one.How can i manage this in nifi?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
07:13 AM
thank you , your answer was very helpful 😄
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06:47 PM
I want to read some file (which are put in hdfs directory) and i want to use ListHdfs processor for it , there are several questions i am interested in: when i start listHdfs procesoor it will capture all files from directory and if i change it's state then( i mean i stop the processor) and then start it it again it willl take only those files whcih were put in dircetory recentrly or all files which are in directory?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
06:34 PM
thank you for your address , Do you know how can i replace "[{ ......}] with { .....} in replacte text i have tried this [\[\]](\{|\}) but it can annly remove first [ and leavs ] at the and of json data reuqest
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09:08 AM
To sum up i want to replace ',' after } with \n
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08:47 AM
I want to parse json response in nifi processor I have json data like this ,I have already used this expression inside evaluatejsonpath processor : $.Data['row'] and thanks to it i got row data then i have used another expression inside replacetext processor: [] to get rid of this '[]' but i can't replace ',' with new line how can i do this? {"squadName":"Super hero squad","homeTown":"Metro City","formed":2016,"secretBase":"Super tower","active":true,"Data":{"row":[{"name":"Molecule Man","age":29,"secretIdentity":"Dan Jukes","powers":["Radiation resistance","Turning tiny","Radiation blast"]},{"name":"Madame Uppercut","age":39,"secretIdentity":"Jane Wilson","powers":["Million tonne punch","Damage resistance","Superhuman reflexes"]},{"name":"Eternal Flame","age":1000000,"secretIdentity":"Unknown","powers":["Immortality","Heat Immunity","Inferno","Teleportation","Interdimensional travel"]}]} and i want totransform it into this format: <code>{"name":"Molecule Man","age":29,"secretIdentity":"Dan Jukes","powers":["Radiation resistance","Turning tiny","Radiation blast"]}{name": "MoleculeMan", "age": 29, "secretIdentity": "DanJukes", "powers": ["Radiation resistance", "Turning tiny", "Radiation blast"]}
{"name": "MoleculeMan", "age": 29, "secretIdentity": "DanJukes", "powers": ["Radiation resistance", "Turning tiny", "Radiation blast"]}
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
Apache Ranger