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Title | Views | Posted |
2246 | 12-06-2018 12:25 PM | |
2302 | 11-27-2018 06:00 PM | |
1793 | 11-22-2018 03:42 PM | |
2846 | 11-20-2018 02:00 PM | |
5170 | 11-19-2018 03:24 PM |
05:53 AM
1 Kudo
@Takefumi Oide, Password should be minimum 8 characters with minimum one alphabet and one numeric. Unsupported special characters are " ' \ ` Below is the regex check for password in HDP 3.0 if not bool('^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).{8,}$', atlas_admin_password)) or bool('[\\\`"\']', atlas_admin_password)) . -Aditya
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04:21 PM
1 Kudo
@yadir Aguilar This is a permission issue. You need to give permissions on the folder to admin user or create directory as hdfs user su hdfs
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/d (or) su hdfs
hdfs dfs -chown admin:admin /user/d . If you are using a kerberized environment, you should do a kinit with hdfs keytab and then run the above commands kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab {user-principal} . Please "Accept" the answer if this helps.
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08:49 AM
trabelsi, Are you running ambari agent as a non-root user or root user. If you are running as a non-root user, you need to follow these steps. . -Aditya
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05:23 AM
@Shesh Kumar, You can use Ranger Authorizer to achieve this. You need to create policy with deny conditions in order to make this work. . Please "Accept" the answer if this helps. . -Aditya
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02:41 AM
3 Kudos
Note : This feature is available from HDP 3.0 (Ambari 2.7)
Ambari 2.7 has a cool new feature where it is integrated with Swagger and you can try and explore all the REST APIs.
Steps to use Swagger
Login to Ambari
Hit this url ( http://{ambari-host}:8080/api-docs)
This page takes you to the API explorer where you can try different APIs. Here are some of the screenshots.
You can get all the supported endpoints from http://{ambari-host}:8080/api-docs/swagger.json)
Hope this helps 🙂
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02:24 AM
@dalin qin, In HDP 3.0, all managed tables should be transactional. Please enable ACID and make the table as transactional and try again. You can read more about ACID here . Please "Accept" the answer if this helps. . -Aditya
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05:24 PM
@Paramesh malla, You need to run the kinit command before running the job. For example, to do kinit with spark keyta, follow below steps 1) Get the principal klist -kt /etc/security/keytabs/spark.headless.keytab 2) Do kinit kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/spark.headless.keytab <principal-from-1st-command> . Run the job after running the kinit command and it should not give "Invalid credentials, no valid tgt found.". Hope this helps 🙂 Please "Accept" the answer if this helps. . -Aditya
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09:34 AM
@Adi Jabkowsky, New hive entities will be synced automatically if you enable "Hive Atlas Hook" in hive configs. Whenever you create a database or table, a message is posted to kafka topic using hive hooks and the same message is read by atlas and the corresponding entity is created in Atlas. For testing, you can create a sample database,table and check in Atlas UI . Please "Accept" the answer if this is helpful. . -Aditya
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09:54 AM
@Anjali Shevadkar, This might be a lame question. Are you sure that you are connecting to the right HiveServer ? Can you please copy the url from hive configs and try connecting to it Go to Ambari -> Hive -> Summary -> HiveServer2 JDBC URL (Copy this url) and try to connect to it and see if this works. . -Aditya
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08:49 AM
@Takefumi Oide, If you want to provide "All" permissions, selecting only "All" will suffice. if you want to give selected permissions, you can select the permissions you need. Yes. I agree that we can select "All" and "update" which may not be required. This is just a UI related thing but doesn't affect any permissions. Hope this helps. Please take a moment to Accept the answer if this helped 🙂
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