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11:59 PM
@Mondi : Yes it refers to meta data and the point in which the snapshot is done. You can revert or restore the data from the snapshot at any point in time.
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08:32 PM
Hi @paras here is the value for' also i think i don't longer need to set this set hive.exec.scratchdir=/tmp/mydir because i've already set in the hive config,
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02:45 PM
@Mondi As far as I know real time replication is not possible but tow cluster can be in sync using BDR feature.
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10:26 PM
@Mondi The group where the admin user is present should be added as the sentry admin group. This would also enable all other users in the group to act as sentry admins. If you want to se the user alone add it to the sentry admin groups as each user has a corresponding group entry created by the same name locally. Please ensure that the user and group exists on all nodes on the cluster.
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08:52 AM
My YARN URL right now @stevenmatison is not accessible so I can't see it using that, is there any other way to check? thanks!
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01:07 AM
Hello @Mondi , thank you for raising your question about why application logs being deleted from the nodes after the applications finished running and why is it happening, how to keep them in place. When log aggregation is enabled with the 'yarn.log-aggregation-enable = true' [1] you will observe the behaviour described: after the logs are aggregated to HDFS, the logs are immediately deleted from the local file system. Log aggregation does not start until the application is finished. If you need to keep the logs and some other temporary files on the local node for troubleshooting and you have log aggregation turned on then you can use yarn.nodemanager.delete.debug-delay-sec . This is set to 0 seconds by default causing the immediate delete. Should you disable log aggregation, non aggregated logs are kept for yarn.nodemanager.log.retain-seconds = 10800 seconds (3*3600 seconds or 3 hours). After that the NodeManager will delete the log files. Please let us know if your enquiries been addressed! Thank you: Ferenc [1]
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06:58 AM
@Mondi You would still need to secure your cluster since any user can be impersonated in a non kerberised cluster. Refer for more details on securing your cluster.
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12:24 AM
Hello, This topic is described at length in the official documentation - Kind regards, Julius
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07:08 PM
1 Kudo
Hello, @Bender Yes, I have got the link [2] from your reply Thank you very much! Paul
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