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1820 | 08-13-2019 09:10 AM | |
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20877 | 05-23-2015 04:48 AM |
11:00 AM
I'm getting the same error. We just went through a power outage over the weekend and when we returned, there was a lot of data queued up to be stored on hdfs. We let it catch up, but while doing so, oozie jobs we had scheduled were being kicked off and many times failing or being suspended. When I run ifconfig, I see what I would expect to see on the interface. Is there anything we did or didn't do on power up that is having us thrashing and seemingly in a resource battle as these things run? I'm two days into this research effort so any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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09:12 AM
Glad to hear.
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10:35 AM
1 Kudo
Hello TS, MySQL is a perfectly great choice to be the metadata store for the entities you mention. CM doesn't have a "default RDBMS" per se, but certain installation methods can pull postgres in for you. It's perfectly fine to elect to use MySQL instead, and I'd encourage it (as well as guiding you toward our documentation which you can cite to your firm showing that it's fine to use [1]). RDBMS choice aside, the most important consideration is making sure that you have planned for and allocated sufficient space (or the ability to easily grow the available space) for the entities that will use the RDBMS. That's the absolute key. Some people love PostgresQL, others are very savvy with MySQL. Yet others may have a mandate to use Oracle 11g in an environment. Great - Cloudera Manager and CDH support any of these options! As for your questions: <Q1> How often CM talks to its backend metadata store? A1 - Cloudera Manager remains in constant contact with its metadata store. <Q2> Is it possible to quantify the amount of data traffic from the data store to the apps? A2 - I've not done this recently, but it would be an interesting exercise. Moreso than just the Cloudera Manager Server though, a few other of the Cloudera Management Services use an RDBMS (which may be considered for placement on the same instance as the one CM uses). <Q3> Should (or must) the database exist into the same server as CM?? (In my view YES, but I am looking for strong justifications!!!) A3 - The database instance is not required to be located on the same node as Cloudera Manager Server, but if that's what makes sense in your deployment then it's fine to do so. Opting for a colocated database can, in some cases, remove network latency from the picture. But, if you have access to a dedicated database admin team that can deploy MySQL and manage it (while also making sure it is backed by reliable and fast storage), then it can also make more sense to use that rather than a non-dedicated disk that's local to the Cloudera Manager Server. Your circumstances will dictate what's best. Refer to the document 'Storage Space Planning for Cloudera Manager', as it will also help you take note of the various services that use an RDBMS and some of the considerations you should take before deployment of same. Regards, -- Mark S. [1] -
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10:52 AM
Client and Service configurations have distinct safety valve parameters in CM. Find the safety valve for Hive clients and make your change there. Thanks, Darren
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01:41 AM
I am going through a new install, and got stuck on the same point, ZK not starting. I resolved it by going to ZK dashboard, then in the Actions menu, I initialized ZK, after which everything went well. Thereafter, I went to each role/module installed and performed steps in the Action menu. Seems like Cloudera did not process through these steps on initial install, could be due to some failed step. Thanks
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05:15 PM
1 Kudo
One other point, to build and manage clusters programatically, take a look at the Python Client API For background and general information and general concepts and API documentation. For functional client setup for using examples: And the "auto deploy" example within it (you must set up the client, above before you can use the example.
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09:38 PM
Now the cluster that previously didn't see cdh 5.4.1 parcels got 5.4.2-1.cdh5.4.2.p0.2 parcel update available. I believe this is probably the cause. (cloudera defer the 5.4.1 and waited for the 5.4.2 being pushed instead, because the release time is quite close) Look:
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04:45 PM
Thank you! We got this to work finally. Now just need to wire to LDAP. It looks like the keystore passed by following the instructions on Cloudera's site wasn't used for some reason. Following instructions here: The upshot is that the keystore at /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67-cloudera/jre/lib/security/jssecacerts (or ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/security/jssecacerts, where $JAVA_HOME is the home of the version of Java used by Cloudera Navigator, we used "ps" to find out where) should contain the root certificate. We then restarted both Cloudera Navigator services, and able to navigate to https:// Integration with FreeIPA was sort of confusing initially. Thanks for your help in understanding the mechnisms of this functionality.
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05:37 AM
Hello Everybody, So I installed CDH with single - root user, but when starting services it gives me error Failed to execute command Start on service ZooKeeper, Can somebody help? Thank You
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