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6499 | 08-23-2021 04:07 PM | |
1652 | 06-30-2021 07:34 AM | |
2044 | 06-30-2021 07:26 AM | |
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3352 | 04-08-2019 01:00 PM |
06:49 PM
Hi, i am running HDP 3.1 ( , i have 10 data nodes , Hive execution engine is TEZ, when i run a query i get this error ERROR : FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.TezTask. Vertex re-running, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00Vertex re-running, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00Vertex re-running, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00Vertex failed, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00, diagnostics=[Vertex vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00 [Map 1] killed/failed due to:OWN_TASK_FAILURE, Vertex vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00 [Map 1] failed as task task_1557754551780_1091_2_00_000001 failed after vertex succeeded.]DAG did not succeed due to VERTEX_FAILURE. failedVertices:1 killedVertices:0
INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20190516161715_09090e6d-e513-4fcc-9c96-0b48e9b43822); Time taken: 17.935 seconds
Error: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.TezTask. Vertex re-running, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00Vertex re-running, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00Vertex re-running, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00Vertex failed, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00, diagnostics=[Vertex vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00 [Map 1] killed/failed due to:OWN_TASK_FAILURE, Vertex vertex_1557754551780_1091_2_00 [Map 1] failed as task task_1557754551780_1091_2_00_000001 failed after vertex succeeded.]DAG did not succeed due to VERTEX_FAILURE. failedVertices:1 killedVertices:0 (state=08S01,code=2) when i traced the logs, for example the application id is (application_1557754551780_1091), i checked the path where the output of the Map will be there in (/var/lib/hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/hive/appcache/application_1557754551780_1091/output/attempt_1557754551780_1091_2_00_000000_0_10003), the below files are created with these permissions : -rw-------. 1 hive hadoop 28 May 16 16:17 file.out
-rw-r-----. 1 hive hadoop 32 May 16 16:17 file.out.index also in the Node manager logs i found this error: 2019-05-16 16:19:05,801 INFO mapred.ShuffleHandler ( - /var/lib/hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/hive/appcache/application_1557754551780_1091/output/attempt_1557754551780_1091_2_00_000000_0_10003/file.out not found
2019-05-16 16:19:05,818 INFO mapred.ShuffleHandler ( - /var/lib/hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/hive/appcache/application_1557754551780_1091/output/attempt_1557754551780_1091_2_00_000000_0_10003/file.out not found
2019-05-16 16:19:05,821 INFO mapred.ShuffleHandler ( - /var/lib/hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/hive/appcache/application_1557754551780_1091/output/attempt_1557754551780_1091_2_00_000000_0_10003/file.out not found
2019-05-16 16:19:05,822 INFO mapred.ShuffleHandler ( - /var/lib/hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/hive/appcache/application_1557754551780_1091/output/attempt_1557754551780_1091_2_00_000000_0_10003/file.out not found
2019-05-16 16:19:05,824 INFO mapred.ShuffleHandler ( - /var/lib/hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/hive/appcache/application_1557754551780_1091/output/attempt_1557754551780_1091_2_00_000000_0_10003/file.out not found
2019-05-16 16:19:05,826 INFO mapred.ShuffleHandler ( - /var/lib/hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/hive/appcache/application_1557754551780_1091/output/attempt_1557754551780_1091_2_00_000000_0_10003/file.out not found which means that file.out wont be readable by the yarn user, which leads the whole task to fail i also checked the parent directory permissions, i checked the umask for all users (0022), which means that the files inside the output directory should be readable by other users in same group drwx--x---. 3 hive hadoop 16 May 16 16:16 filecache
drwxr-s---. 3 hive hadoop 60 May 16 16:16 output I reran the whole scenario on different cluster, and i see that the file.out has same permissions as file.out.index , and the queries are running fine without any problems (cluster HDP version :, also when i switched to yarn user, and used vi to make sure that yarn user is able to read content of file.out and it was able to. -rw-r-----. 1 hive hadoop 28 May 16 16:17 file.out
-rw-r-----. 1 hive hadoop 32 May 16 16:17 file.out.index When i shutdown all the node managers and only 1 is up and running, all the queries are running fine, but also the file.out is still being created with same permissions , but i guess as everything is running on same node then N.B : we upgraded from HDP 2.6.2 to HDP
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04:07 PM
hi guys, i am having same problem, but when i ran a query (select count(*) from table_name) where table is small it runs successfully, but when table is big i get this error, i checked yarn logs and its seems that the problem occurs while data shuffling, so i traced the problem to the node which received the task , i found this error in (/var/log/hadoop-yarn/yarn/ ) /var/lib/hadoop/yarn/local/usercache/hive/appcache/application_1557491114054_0010/output/attempt_1557491114054_0010_1_03_000000_1_10002/file.out not found although for other attempts for same application, this file exists normally, and in the yarn application log, after exiting the beeline session , this error appears 2019-05-14 16:19:58,442 [WARN] [Fetcher_B {Map_1} #0] |shuffle.Fetcher|: copyInputs failed for tasks [InputAttemptIdentifier [inputIdentifier=0, attemptNumber=0, pathComponent=attempt_1557754551780_0155_5_00_000000_0_10003, spillType=0, spillId=-1]]
2019-05-14 16:19:58,442 [INFO] [Fetcher_B {Map_1} #0] |impl.ShuffleManager|: Map_1: Fetch failed for src: InputAttemptIdentifier [inputIdentifier=0, attemptNumber=0, pathComponent=attempt_1557754551780_0155_5_00_000000_0_10003, spillType=0, spillId=-1]InputIdentifier: InputAttemptIdentifier [inputIdentifier=0, attemptNumber=0, pathComponent=attempt_1557754551780_0155_5_00_000000_0_10003, spillType=0, spillId=-1], connectFailed: false
2019-05-14 16:19:58,443 [INFO] [Fetcher_B {Map_1} #1] |HttpConnection.url|: for url=http://myhost_name:13562/mapOutput?job=job_1557754551780_0155&dag=5&reduce=0&map=attempt_1557754551780_0155_5_00_000000_0_10003 sent hash and receievd reply 0 ms
2019-05-14 16:19:58,443 [INFO] [Fetcher_B {Map_1} #1] |shuffle.Fetcher|: Failed to read data to memory for InputAttemptIdentifier [inputIdentifier=0, attemptNumber=0, pathComponent=attempt_1557754551780_0155_5_00_000000_0_10003, spillType=0, spillId=-1]. len=28, decomp=14. ExceptionMessage=Not a valid ifile header
2019-05-14 16:19:58,443 [WARN] [Fetcher_B {Map_1} #1] |shuffle.Fetcher|: Failed to shuffle output of InputAttemptIdentifier [inputIdentifier=0, attemptNumber=0, pathComponent=attempt_1557754551780_0155_5_00_000000_0_10003, spillType=0, spillId=-1] from myhost_name Not a valid ifile header
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.sort.impl.IFile$Reader.verifyHeaderMagic(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.sort.impl.IFile$Reader.isCompressedFlagEnabled(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.sort.impl.IFile$Reader.readToMemory(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.ShuffleUtils.shuffleToMemory(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.Fetcher.fetchInputs(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.Fetcher.doHttpFetch(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.Fetcher.doHttpFetch(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.Fetcher.callInternal(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.Fetcher.callInternal(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at i am using HDP 3.1 so any suggestions what might be the error ? Thanks
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02:59 PM
hi, i am having the same problem after upgrading from HDP 2.6.2 to HDp 3.1, although i have alot of resources in the cluster, when i ran a query (select count(*) from table) if the table is small (3k records) it ran successfully, if the table is larger (50k) records i am getting the same vertex failure error, i checked the yarn application log for the failed query i get the below error 2019-05-14 11:58:14,823 [INFO] [TezChild] |tez.ReduceRecordProcessor|: Starting Output: out_Reducer 2
2019-05-14 11:58:14,828 [INFO] [TezChild] |compress.CodecPool|: Got brand-new decompressor [.snappy]
2019-05-14 11:58:18,466 [INFO] [TaskHeartbeatThread] |task.TaskReporter|: Routing events from heartbeat response to task, currentTaskAttemptId=attempt_1557754551780_0137_1_01_000000_0, eventCount=1 fromEventId=1 nextFromEventId=2
2019-05-14 11:58:18,488 [INFO] [Fetcher_B {Map_1} #1] |HttpConnection.url|: for url= sent hash and receievd reply 0 ms
2019-05-14 11:58:18,491 [INFO] [Fetcher_B {Map_1} #1] |shuffle.Fetcher|: Failed to read data to memory for InputAttemptIdentifier [inputIdentifier=0, attemptNumber=0, pathComponent=attempt_1557754551780_0137_1_00_000000_0_10002, spillType=0, spillId=-1]. len=28, decomp=14. ExceptionMessage=Not a valid ifile header
2019-05-14 11:58:18,492 [WARN] [Fetcher_B {Map_1} #1] |shuffle.Fetcher|: Failed to shuffle output of InputAttemptIdentifier [inputIdentifier=0, attemptNumber=0, pathComponent=attempt_1557754551780_0137_1_00_000000_0_10002, spillType=0, spillId=-1] from Not a valid ifile header
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.sort.impl.IFile$Reader.verifyHeaderMagic(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.sort.impl.IFile$Reader.isCompressedFlagEnabled(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.sort.impl.IFile$Reader.readToMemory(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.ShuffleUtils.shuffleToMemory(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.Fetcher.fetchInputs(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.Fetcher.doHttpFetch(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.Fetcher.doHttpFetch(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.Fetcher.callInternal(
at org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.Fetcher.callInternal(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at both queries were working fine before upgrade, the only change i made after the upgrade is increasing the heapsize of the data nodes, i also followed @Geoffrey Shelton Okot configuration but still same error. thanks
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01:06 PM
hi @D G , have you fixed this problem ?
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05:34 PM
Hi, we recently upgraded from HDP 2.6.2 to HDP 3.1 , i am trying to run hive query on beeline, (select count(*) from big_table) where big_table is a table containing millions of records, i got the below error ERROR : FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.TezTask. Vertex failed, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_0008_4_00, diagnostics=[Task failed, taskId=task_1557754551780_0008_4_00_000000, diagnostics=[TaskAttempt 0 failed, info=[attempt_1557754551780_0008_4_00_000000_0 being failed for too many output errors. failureFraction=1.0, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES_FRACTION=0.1, uniquefailedOutputReports=1, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES=10, MAX_ALLOWED_TIME_FOR_TASK_READ_ERROR_SEC=300, readErrorTimespan=0], TaskAttempt 1 failed, info=[attempt_1557754551780_0008_4_00_000000_1 being failed for too many output errors. failureFraction=1.0, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES_FRACTION=0.1, uniquefailedOutputReports=1, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES=10, MAX_ALLOWED_TIME_FOR_TASK_READ_ERROR_SEC=300, readErrorTimespan=0], TaskAttempt 2 failed, info=[attempt_1557754551780_0008_4_00_000000_2 being failed for too many output errors. failureFraction=1.0, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES_FRACTION=0.1, uniquefailedOutputReports=1, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES=10, MAX_ALLOWED_TIME_FOR_TASK_READ_ERROR_SEC=300, readErrorTimespan=0], TaskAttempt 3 failed, info=[attempt_1557754551780_0008_4_00_000000_3 being failed for too many output errors. failureFraction=1.0, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES_FRACTION=0.1, uniquefailedOutputReports=1, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES=10, MAX_ALLOWED_TIME_FOR_TASK_READ_ERROR_SEC=300, readErrorTimespan=0]], Vertex did not succeed due to OWN_TASK_FAILURE, failedTasks:1 killedTasks:0, Vertex vertex_1557754551780_0008_4_00 [Map 1] killed/failed due to:OWN_TASK_FAILURE]Vertex killed, vertexName=Reducer 2, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_0008_4_01, diagnostics=[Vertex received Kill while in RUNNING state., Vertex did not succeed due to OTHER_VERTEX_FAILURE, failedTasks:0 killedTasks:1, Vertex vertex_1557754551780_0008_4_01 [Reducer 2] killed/failed due to:OTHER_VERTEX_FAILURE]DAG did not succeed due to VERTEX_FAILURE. failedVertices:1 killedVertices:1
INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20190513174303_d7607f92-baaa-4fb2-825a-1af9a0287910); Time taken: 15.3 seconds
Error: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.TezTask. Vertex failed, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_0008_4_00, diagnostics=[Task failed, taskId=task_1557754551780_0008_4_00_000000, diagnostics=[TaskAttempt 0 failed, info=[attempt_1557754551780_0008_4_00_000000_0 being failed for too many output errors. failureFraction=1.0, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES_FRACTION=0.1, uniquefailedOutputReports=1, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES=10, MAX_ALLOWED_TIME_FOR_TASK_READ_ERROR_SEC=300, readErrorTimespan=0], TaskAttempt 1 failed, info=[attempt_1557754551780_0008_4_00_000000_1 being failed for too many output errors. failureFraction=1.0, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES_FRACTION=0.1, uniquefailedOutputReports=1, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES=10, MAX_ALLOWED_TIME_FOR_TASK_READ_ERROR_SEC=300, readErrorTimespan=0], TaskAttempt 2 failed, info=[attempt_1557754551780_0008_4_00_000000_2 being failed for too many output errors. failureFraction=1.0, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES_FRACTION=0.1, uniquefailedOutputReports=1, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES=10, MAX_ALLOWED_TIME_FOR_TASK_READ_ERROR_SEC=300, readErrorTimespan=0], TaskAttempt 3 failed, info=[attempt_1557754551780_0008_4_00_000000_3 being failed for too many output errors. failureFraction=1.0, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES_FRACTION=0.1, uniquefailedOutputReports=1, MAX_ALLOWED_OUTPUT_FAILURES=10, MAX_ALLOWED_TIME_FOR_TASK_READ_ERROR_SEC=300, readErrorTimespan=0]], Vertex did not succeed due to OWN_TASK_FAILURE, failedTasks:1 killedTasks:0, Vertex vertex_1557754551780_0008_4_00 [Map 1] killed/failed due to:OWN_TASK_FAILURE]Vertex killed, vertexName=Reducer 2, vertexId=vertex_1557754551780_0008_4_01, diagnostics=[Vertex received Kill while in RUNNING state., Vertex did not succeed due to OTHER_VERTEX_FAILURE, failedTasks:0 killedTasks:1, Vertex vertex_1557754551780_0008_4_01 [Reducer 2] killed/failed due to:OTHER_VERTEX_FAILURE]DAG did not succeed due to VERTEX_FAILURE. failedVertices:1 killedVertices:1 (state=08S01,code=2) but when i execute (select count(*) from small_table) where this table contains only about 3000 records, it runs fine, before the upgrade both queries were running fine, so do i have to make any tuning for hive 3.1 ? N.B: Both tables are external tables Thanks
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08:02 AM
hi @Rajesh Sampath @subhash parise, i am also having same error, i am trying to read hive external table, can you please tell me how you fixed it ?
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07:56 AM
hi @Pavel Stejskal @dbompart i am facing the same problem, and i am not querying a hive managed table, its just an external table in hive, i am able to read the metadata but not the data , can you please tell me how you fixed it ?
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06:28 AM
hi @Jay Kumar SenSharma, i am upgrading from HDP 2.6.2 to HDP 3.1, i am using Ambari and currently stuck on (generate missing principal ), my cluster is kerberized, the machine hosting ambari server doesn't have ambari agent, and i am also getting the same error (host not found) for the ambari master machine , below is the exact error from ambari server log 2019-05-07 16:55:58,023 WARN [Server Action Executor Worker 3611] ServerActionExecutor:471 - Task #3611 failed to complete execution due to thrown exception: org.apache.ambari.server.HostNotFoundException:Host not found,
org.apache.ambari.server.HostNotFoundException: Host not found,
at org.apache.ambari.server.state.cluster.ClustersImpl.getHost(
at org.apache.ambari.server.state.ConfigHelper.getEffectiveDesiredTags(
at org.apache.ambari.server.state.ConfigHelper.getEffectiveDesiredTags(
at org.apache.ambari.server.controller.AmbariManagementControllerImpl.findConfigurationTagsWithOverrides(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor424.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy131.findConfigurationTagsWithOverrides(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.ambari.server.state.ConfigHelper.calculateExistingConfigurations(
at org.apache.ambari.server.controller.KerberosHelperImpl.calculateConfigurations(
at org.apache.ambari.server.controller.KerberosHelperImpl.getActiveIdentities(
at org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.kerberos.KerberosServerAction.calculateServiceIdentities(
at org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.kerberos.KerberosServerAction.processIdentities(
at org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.kerberos.CreatePrincipalsServerAction.execute(
at org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.ServerActionExecutor$Worker.execute(
at org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.ServerActionExecutor$
at can you please suggest what to do?
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02:44 PM
Hi guys, i followed the above steps, and was able to execute commands like ( show databases, show tables) successfully, also created a database from spark-shell and created a table and inserted some data in it, but i am not able to query the data either from the newly created table from spark, nor the tables that already exists in hive, and getting this error java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method com/hortonworks/spark/sql/hive/llap/HiveWarehouseDataSourceReader.createBatchDataReaderFactories()Ljava/util/List; is abstract at com.hortonworks.spark.sql.hive.llap.HiveWarehouseDataSourceReader.createBatchDataReaderFactories( the commands is as below: import com.hortonworks.hwc.HiveWarehouseSession val hive = HiveWarehouseSession.session(spark).build() hive.createTable("hwx_table").column("value", "string").create() hive.executeUpdate("insert into hwx_table values('1')") hive.executeQuery("select * from hwx_table").show then the error appears, i am using the below command to start spark-shell spark-shell --master yarn --jars /usr/hdp/current/hive-warehouse-connector/hive-warehouse-connector_2.11- --conf
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01:00 PM
had to use another version of the connector hive-warehouse-connector-assembly-
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