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1946 | 12-17-2022 10:54 PM |
09:34 AM
1 Kudo
Hi Team, how to sort this below output in Ascending order by maintaining same space in both header values. I've tried using query record but couldn't able to add spaces using SPACE function. but space which i've given is considering as SPACE(numeric) value instead of INT. input: NO CUSTOM.;NO INCSUPB;NO ALLBPBM ;IMPORTE BRUTO;DESCUENTO;IMPORTE NETO 0000000023;123548 ;999888 ;875,92 ;176,88 ;699,04 0000000012;123547 ;777666 ;2347,04 ;591,84 ;1755,2 Expected Output: NO CUSTOM.;NO INCSUPB;NO ALLBPBM ;IMPORTE BRUTO;DESCUENTO;IMPORTE NETO 0000000012;123547 ;777666 ;2347,04 ;591,84 ;1755,2 0000000023;123548 ;999888 ;875,92 ;176,88 ;699,04
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
09:21 AM
1 Kudo
@SAMSAL , Thanks for you reply, infact i've asked from Kafka side itself not to send Null values, that sorted issue.
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06:28 AM
@SAMSAL , yeah from generate flow file there is no issue.its processing fine using QueryRecord. here the file coming From Kafkatopic , so we are using consumeKafka as top processor, there itself we are having parsefailures. there is no schema from kafka also we are inferring that schema whatever file coming, if you read the error its taking this value ecoTaxValues , in payload i mentioned as "OpenTX": [0.1,1.9,null,null] values considering as double and null values considering as string, that's causing issue, is there any way from json/avro reader from consumekafka we can skip this or ignoring these nulls, other than writing avro schema. why because we have so many fields in actual payload thats why, and if any new field addition from source i need to adpat the field again at our schema, so to avoid that i'm trying, Could you please help thanks!!
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11:07 AM
1 Kudo
@SAMSAL , sorry for the earlier input , ive udpated now. this payload coming from Kafka by the way.
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10:37 AM
1 Kudo
HI All, Im getting below error after new fileds are being added to the payload from Kafka OpenTX, datatype: double precision charges, Datatype: string note:before these 2 fields added to the payload its working fine with existing json reader and writer Error: 05:25:40 UTCERRORConsumeKafkaRecord_2_6[id=8f8pq352c-0rcb] Failed to parse message from Kafka using the configured Record Reader. Will route message as its own FlowFile to the 'parse.failure' relationship: org.apache.nifi.serialization.MalformedRecordException: Successfully parsed a JSON object from input but failed to convert into a Record object with the given schema - Caused by: org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.util.IllegalTypeConversionException: Cannot convert value [[Ljava.lang.Object;@6b9b8a0c] of type class [Ljava.lang.Object; for field invoiceLineList.ecoTaxValues to any of the following available Sub-Types for a Choice: [ARRAY[STRING], ARRAY[DOUBLE]] input payload: { "Identifier":"123456", "creationDate":"2024-11-22T12:22:01.331894Z", "docType":"01", "currency":"INR", "taxCode": [null,null,null,"04",null,null,null,null,null], "invoiceLineList": [ { "line":1, "charges":["009",null,null], "OpenTX": [0.3,0.9,null,null] }, { "line":2, "charges":["002",null,null], "OpenTX": [0.1,1.9,null,null] } ] } below are the json reader and writer configs. JSONTreeReader: JSONrecordSETWriter i've tried changing reader to AVRO reader using "Confluent Content-Encoded Schema Reference" in the Avro Reader "Schema Access Strategy" field and keeping JsonRecordsetwriter same as above but still its not working, Can anyone help me here? @SAMSAL thanks!!
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
10:53 AM
@SAMSAL , Thanks for the reply but our current nifi version is 1.23.2 , where it doesn't have that completion strategy. So thinking of implementing executeScript or executeStreamcommand in order to delete the files from SMB after fetchSMB. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for this script , nifi hosted on kube clusters and i've credentials for SMB as well.
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07:36 PM
1 Kudo
Thanks @SAMSAL for giving solution, I'm using listsmb and Fetchsmb , with the similar approch. How can we ensure to delete those files after fetch, as we are not using no tracking files will come recursively . 2)can i use list file & fetchfile to connect smb share (\\server\share$\path\) thanks!!
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11:39 AM
HI Team, we have jar executable which is running fine in Nifi 1.15 version after we upgraded to 1.17 , when we tried to execute that jar its showing as invalid or corrupt jar file. when we checked java version both nifi and jar executable are on same version i.e. java 8 however we noticed that jdk versions are different from previous version to latest version nifi 1.15 having openjdk version 1.8.0_312 Nifi 1.17 having openjdk version jdk1.8.0_332 suspecting this caused issue, however we are not able to update the jar. Can anyone help here what might be the issue here and how we can solve this issue. thanks
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:23 AM
Hi All, How to fetch all files in a directory based on one specific file arrive in that directory Ex: when i've file with extension .trg is there i've to fetch all files (irrespective of name and extension of these files) in that directory list there are .txt, .xml and . xlsx files are there in \\server\share\test\ all these files should be fetched whenever there is file with extension .trg arrive I've tried this scenario using ListSMB-->wait/notify--> Fetchsmb but didn't working are there any solutions suggested by anyone?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:54 AM
2 Kudos
@SAMSAL , After i added escaping to $ with double slash it got worked in shift too. "#\\${netval}": "&3[&2].&1" thanks a lot again
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