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1753 | 12-17-2022 10:54 PM |
10:53 AM
@SAMSAL , Thanks for the reply but our current nifi version is 1.23.2 , where it doesn't have that completion strategy. So thinking of implementing executeScript or executeStreamcommand in order to delete the files from SMB after fetchSMB. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for this script , nifi hosted on kube clusters and i've credentials for SMB as well.
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07:36 PM
1 Kudo
Thanks @SAMSAL for giving solution, I'm using listsmb and Fetchsmb , with the similar approch. How can we ensure to delete those files after fetch, as we are not using no tracking files will come recursively . 2)can i use list file & fetchfile to connect smb share (\\server\share$\path\) thanks!!
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11:39 AM
HI Team, we have jar executable which is running fine in Nifi 1.15 version after we upgraded to 1.17 , when we tried to execute that jar its showing as invalid or corrupt jar file. when we checked java version both nifi and jar executable are on same version i.e. java 8 however we noticed that jdk versions are different from previous version to latest version nifi 1.15 having openjdk version 1.8.0_312 Nifi 1.17 having openjdk version jdk1.8.0_332 suspecting this caused issue, however we are not able to update the jar. Can anyone help here what might be the issue here and how we can solve this issue. thanks
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:23 AM
Hi All, How to fetch all files in a directory based on one specific file arrive in that directory Ex: when i've file with extension .trg is there i've to fetch all files (irrespective of name and extension of these files) in that directory list there are .txt, .xml and . xlsx files are there in \\server\share\test\ all these files should be fetched whenever there is file with extension .trg arrive I've tried this scenario using ListSMB-->wait/notify--> Fetchsmb but didn't working are there any solutions suggested by anyone?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:54 AM
2 Kudos
@SAMSAL , After i added escaping to $ with double slash it got worked in shift too. "#\\${netval}": "&3[&2].&1" thanks a lot again
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10:32 AM
Thanks a Lot the JOLT Master @SAMSAL , Modify-overwrite beta -logic worked perfectly. but for Shift logic jolt demo throwing an execption Invalid reference key=#${netval} either blank or doesn't start with correct character=$
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12:57 PM
Hi All, I would like to replace first element of an array value i.e would like to replace with first net val with nifi attribute input { "iH": [ { "DN": "711449", "iLineList": [ { "DNnumber": "711449", "DNLineNumber": 2 }, { "DNNumber": "711449", "DNLineNumber": 3 } ], "netval": "22.09" }, { "DN": "711450", "iLineList": [ { "DNnumber": "711450", "DNLineNumber": 2 }, { "DNNumber": "711450", "DNLineNumber": 3 } ], "netval": "11.09" } ] } defined SPEC like : [ { "operation": "shift", "spec": { "*": { "0": { "netVal": "iH[&1].netVal[0]", "*": "iH[&1].&" }, "*": "&1" } } }, { "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta", "spec": { "*": { // "invoiceHeader": { "0": { "netVal": "${netVal}" } // } } } } ] Expected output: { "iH" : [ { "DN" : "711449", "iLineList" : [ { "DNnumber" : "711449", "DNLineNumber" : 2 }, { "DNNumber" : "711449", "DNLineNumber" : 3 } ], "netval" : "${netval}" }, { "DN" : "711450", "iLineList" : [ { "DNnumber" : "711450", "DNLineNumber" : 2 }, { "DNNumber" : "711450", "DNLineNumber" : 3 } ], "netval" : "11.09" } ] }
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
09:55 AM
@SAMSAL , thanks for the quick response. As always you do.
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10:33 AM
Hi @SAMSAL Please find my input and spec below. my input currently consists natura value other than 3.5 i.e 3.1. Sometimes input won't contain natura value at all. So thats why my spec will a little different than yours. in this case i don't want AltriDatiGestionali tag , but since i'm using modify-overwrite-beta logic its getting as empty, how to get rid of this. INPUT: { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiBeniServizi": { "DettaglioLinee": [ { "Natura": "3.1", "NumeroLinea": 1, "Descrizione": "A2751500680 BOBINA DI ACCENSIONE", "PrezzoTotale": "3718.26000000" } ] } } } SPEC: [ { "operation": "shift", "spec": { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiBeniServizi": { "DettaglioLinee": { "*": { "AltriDatiGestionali": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.AltriDatiGestionali", "*": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&1].&" } } } } } }, { "operation": "shift", "spec": { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiBeniServizi": { "DettaglioLinee": { "*": { "NumeroLinea": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&1].NumeroLinea", "PrezzoTotale": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&1].PrezzoTotale", "Descrizione": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&1].Descrizione", "Natura": { "N3.5": { "$": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&3].Natura", "@(2,NumeroLinea)": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&3].NumeroLinea", "@(2,PrezzoTotale)": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&3].PrezzoTotale", "@(2,Descrizione)": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&3].Descrizione", "@(4,AltriDatiGestionali)": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&3].AltriDatiGestionali" }, "*": { "$": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&3].Natura", "@(2,NumeroLinea)": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&3].NumeroLinea", "@(2,PrezzoTotale)": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&3].PrezzoTotale", "@(2,Descrizione)": "FatturaElettronicaBody.DatiBeniServizi.DettaglioLinee[&3].Descrizione" } } } } } } } }, { "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta", "spec": { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiBeniServizi": { "DettaglioLinee": { "*": { "AltriDatiGestionali": { "splitRiferimentoTesto": "=split('-',@(1,RiferimentoTesto))", "stringsize": "=size(@(1,splitRiferimentoTesto[0]))", "RiferimentoTesto": "=substring(@(1,splitRiferimentoTesto[0]),26,@(1,stringsize))", "stringsize1": "=size(@(1,splitRiferimentoTesto[1]))", "RiferimentoD": "=substring(@(1,splitRiferimentoTesto[1]),11,@(1,stringsize1))", "splitRiferimentoData": "=split('/',@(1,RiferimentoD))", "RiferimentoData": "=concat(@(1,splitRiferimentoData[2]),'-',@(1,splitRiferimentoData[1]),'-',@(1,splitRiferimentoData[0]))" } } } } } } }, { "operation": "remove", "spec": { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiBeniServizi": { "DettaglioLinee": { "*": { "AltriDatiGestionali": { "splitRiferimentoTesto": "", "splitRiferimentoData": "", "stringsize": "", "stringsize1": "", "RiferimentoD": "" } } } } } } }, { "operation": "cardinality", "spec": { "FatturaElettronicaBody": { "DatiBeniServizi": { "DettaglioLinee": { "*": { "NumeroLinea": "ONE", "Descrizione": "ONE", "Quantita": "ONE", "PrezzoUnitario": "ONE", "ScontoMaggiorazione": "ONE", "AltriDatiGestionali": "ONE", "PrezzoTotale": "ONE", "AliquotaIVA": "ONE" } } } } } }, { "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta", "spec": { "*": "=recursivelySquashNulls" } } ]
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10:21 AM
Thanks For the reply @SAMSAL , this is working for Natura 3.5, for if natura not in 3.5. we don't need block related to (AltriDatiGestionali), but i'm getting block of "AltriDatiGestionali" : { "RiferimentoData" : "--" } since i'm using modify-overwrite-beta operation tocompute these values. Could you please help in getting rid of this AltriDatiGestionali tag fields for Natura other than 3.5 value. Regards, Pradeep G
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