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07:18 PM
Hi @Ploeplse , what you ran into was not a user problem. But you may ran into user problem after you fix this one. The error "the site can't be reached" is actually a network connectivity issue instead of IAM issue. I ran into this issue while I'm using an Azure environment. I made an `nslookup` against the FQDN in the url, and turned out it came back with a private IP address in the k8s cluster node subnet, which means you actually need connectivity from your browser to the K8s network that facilitating the environment. In my case, my browser is on a VM on Azure residing in another VNET, so what I did was to peer the network between my browser VM and the K8s VNET. If you are using AWS, you also need build connectivity between the AWS PVC to your browser operating system. If it is your laptop, you need VPN setup; if it is a VM, you need peer the network. Cloudera documentation missed this step in setup or it is hidden somewhere. While, after I fixed the network issue, I ran into 403 issue, which is actually an IAM issue. Still working on it. Good luck.
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