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7069 | 04-14-2015 06:51 AM |
02:55 AM
Thanks Harsh. Actually I tried s3a however it is throwing filesystem exception as " No FileSystem for scheme: s3a" Looks like some jars conflict issue, though didn't get chance to look deep enough.
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06:51 AM
1 Kudo
Alright ! I figured out the fix for this. The temp buffer directory for S3 is configurable ith the property "fs.s3.buffer.dir" in core-default.xml config file. The default config is as shown below. <property> <name>fs.s3.buffer.dir</name> <value>${hadoop.tmp.dir}/s3</value> <description>Determines where on the local filesystem the S3 filesystem should store files before sending them to S3 (or after retrieving them from S3). </description> </property> This doesn't require any services restart so is an easy fix.
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12:27 AM
1 Kudo
Hi, I am using following command to transfer data from hdfs to s3. hadoop distcp -Dmapred.task.timeout=60000000 -i -log /tmp/export/logs hdfs:///test/data/export/file.avro s3n://ACCESS_ID:ACCESS_KEY@S3_BUCKET/ What I have noticed is mapper task which copies data to s3 first locally copies data into /tmp/hadoop-yarn/s3 directory on individual node. This is causing disk space issues on nodes since the transfer data size is in TBs. Is there a way to configure temporary working directory for mapper? Can it use hdfs disk space rather than local disk space? Thanks in advance. Jagdish
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
Apache YARN