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8709 | 11-20-2015 05:56 AM |
06:59 AM
You can put the s3 credentials in the s3 URI, or you can just pass the parameters on the command line, which is what I prefer, eg: hadoop fs -Dfs.s3a.access.key="" -Dfs.s3a.secret.key="" -ls s3a://bucket-name/ Its also worth knowing that if you run the command like I have given above, it will override any other settings that are defined in the cluster config, such as core-site.xml etc.
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10:14 AM
All, I'm very sorry about this, but it looks like this thread got lost in the shuffle when we were preparing to release our most recent version of Cloudera Director. I haven't experienced this error myself, but perusing some of our internal scripts, you may be able to get around this by setting JAVA_HOME, potentially with a Director bootstrap script. Here's an untested example: echo "export JAVA_HOME=/your/java/location" >> /etc/profile.d/java_home_setup That being said, this question may be better suited for the Cloudera Manager forum. However, why set up Zookeeper using CM directly when you can set it up using Director itself?
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05:07 AM
Thanks - that worked!
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05:19 AM
1 Kudo
bulmanp - The private_key parameter should be the contents of the private key file (in your case, the 2nd option should have worked). Here is the working code I use : f = open("/root/.ssh/id_rsa", "r") id_rsa = #print id_rsa f.close() #passwordless certificate login apicommand = cm.host_install(user_name="root", private_key=id_rsa, host_names=hostIds, cm_repo_url=cm_repo_url, java_install_strategy="NONE", unlimited_jce=True).wait()
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12:04 PM
MJ - How is the replication schedule created first using the Java API?
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05:03 AM
Thanks Michalis. I was able to get the current activated parcel by searching for the product "CDH" and selecting the one who's stage ="ACTIVATED" using the CM API.
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07:07 AM
Yes, I was able to fix this by using gilad's script to manually drop the hive table by doing DML against the underlying metastore database. Do note that I found a few issues with a couple of the SQL statements (as I documented above), so be sure to backup your metastore database first if you attempt this. Good luck! Cheers, dave
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