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10:03 AM
It's really just the same message as the original. (Un)fortunately, 2 of the 3 nodes of the cluster just dropped a few min ago so: 7/11/2024 16:57:12 UTC: Node disconnected due to org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.FlowSynchronizationException: Failed to connect node to cluster because local flow controller partially updated. Administrator should disconnect node and review flow for corruption.
07/11/2024 16:57:12 UTC: Disconnection requested due to org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.FlowSynchronizationException: Failed to connect node to cluster because local flow controller partially updated. Administrator should disconnect node and review flow for corruption.
07/11/2024 16:57:07 UTC: Node Status changed from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED due to org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.FlowSynchronizationException: Failed to connect node to cluster because local flow controller partially updated. Administrator should disconnect node and review flow for corruption.
07/11/2024 16:56:56 UTC: Received first heartbeat from connecting node. Node connected.
07/11/2024 16:56:54 UTC: Requesting that node connect to cluster
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08:23 AM
hi @Sivagopal, As far as I know, what you are asking is not possible directly from within NiFi. To remove the node from the cluster you have two options: - the manual remove, done from the Menu - Cluster - Nodes --> disconnect Node. ( see - the NiFi's REST API. For that you will need to use the Controller commands, select the DELETE option and perform the call --> /controller/cluster/nodes/{id}. (see --> Controller Section / DELETE) As for the update in authorizers.xml, you will need to write a script which will perform this action, while NiFi is down. As far as I know, these XML Files get initialized when NiFi starts so even though you perform some actions while NiFi is up and running, these changes will not get taken into considerations. Take note that if you are using the embedded zookeeper, you will have to modify the file as well. In addition to these files, you have to take a look to state-management.xml as well.
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08:16 AM
1 Kudo
Awesome news, +2 solutions here.
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