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02:15 PM
Very new to NiFi and I am trying to create a daily email with throughput totals from the previous day. I was getting nowhere figuring out how to capture and report on NiFi processor throughput so I figured I could start with a GetHDFSFileInfo process that could look at the various HDFS tables and report on the previous day's directory size. Similar to "hdfs dfs -du -h /warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive/table1" and then grabbing the partition directory size from the previous day. I could script it easy enough but I would like to keep everything in NiFi so I don't have to worry about scripts and cron jobs. When I try to use GetHDFSFileInfo and do not recurse directories, I can get a list of all the partition directories but the length value is always 0. If I enable recurse, then I get every file (and they have the length value), Just curious if there was a way to have GetHDFSFileInfo provide partition level directory disk usage. Jeff
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Apache NiFi