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11:10 AM
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@LKB You would get better traction/feedback if you start your own community question. Your query is not very related to issue in this post. As far as the one question related to this post about encrypted manager password, @mks27 simply masked it by using "***" in his post. NiFi does not replace actual password with * when encrypting sensitive passwords. The NiFi Encrypt-Config Toolkit can be used to encrypt passwords used in various NiFi configuration files: Thank you, Matt
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12:18 PM
@mks27 Your configuration has a ldap://... address; however, you have configured the "authentication strategy as LDAPS. This needs to be "SIMPLE" instead of "LDAPS". I would also recommend that you change the "Identity Strategy" form " USE_DN" to "USE_USERNAME". ldap exception with data 52e typically means bad password. Also consider that the login-identity-providers.xml configuration file is XML. XML has special characters that if used in your manager password must be escaped or change your manager password to not use these special characters: & replace with &
< replace with <
> replace with >
" replace with "
‘ replace with ' If you found that the provided solution(s) assisted you with your query, please take a moment to login and click Accept as Solution below each response that helped. Thank you, Matt
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