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1282 | 06-06-2023 11:43 AM |
08:57 AM
I realize this topic is a bit old, but I have this same problem to solve. I am struggling with setting the unrar in the ExecuteStreamCommand process, then having the decompressed files returned in the output on the stream for additional processing. I am getting broken pipe errors and unrar cmd ended in nonzero errors. How exactly do I set this up so that it works just like Nifi's native UnpackContent process? Thank you.
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08:41 AM
Is there anyway to connect to aws sagemaker from nifi? Basically I need to hit a sagemaker endpoint, sending an S3 ARN to sagemaker and receive a result back. It is basically a REST call but it will need to send my AWS credentials, too. I am currently doing all this in a python script, but am looking for a stand alone nifi solution. Anyone know how to accomplish this in nifi? Thank you.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:43 AM
1 Kudo
I solved my problem. The solution is to not wrap the variable with double quotes. ${search_after:isEmpty():not():ifElse(', \"search_after\": ${search_after}', '')},
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01:17 PM
I am trying to roll my own search_after pagination query by saving the last sort values to a db and then retrieving them on the next time I run the query. Thing is if there are no sort values from the db this means this is a new query and I skip the search_after clause in my query. If I do retrieve a set of sort values from the db then I need to plug them into the query. I am having trouble with the EL statement. This is what I have: {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"term": {"key1": "value1"}}
"must_not": [
{"exists": {"key2": "value2"}}
"filter": [
{"range": {"@timestamp": {"lte": "now-1w"}}}
${search_after:isEmpty():not():ifElse(', \"search_after\": "${search_after}"', '')},
"sort": [
{"@timestamp": "asc"},
{"value3": "asc"}
} The ${search_after} variable defined as '[ts int milliseconds, "a key value string"]' Including the sq brackets. The error I am receiving is: Unknown key for a VALUE_STRING in search_after line 15 col 20 type parsing exception Does anyone know how to write the variable correctly?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi