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12:34 AM
like I can see, the sorting of the result might cause the issue... whatever I do, it is descending... and so I cannot see, if the startDate filter is working or not... anybody an idea how to set the sorting in the correct way? I did it like this: &sortType=ascending&sortBy=eventTime But that does not work... here another example... I do not see what I am doing wrong: ---/service/assets/accessAudit?startDate=08%2F08%2F2023&sortBy=eventTime&sortType=ascending&excludeServiceUser=false&pageSize=4&startIndex=0
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10:51 AM
in the Ranger WebUI, when I define the filter in the Audit part, I also have the: sortType=asscending&sortKey=eventTime I tried that in my URL, but does not work
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10:42 AM
Hi, no, did not help... I took out the totalPages and totalCount... tried it with page=0 and also with pageSize=25... It always takes the last 200 rows... whatever I do... .../service/assets/accessAudit?page=0&pageSize=25&startIndex=0&excludeServiceUser=false&startDate=08%2F08%2F2023&accessResult=0
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08:47 AM
Hi, I want to read data from Ranger Rest API ...assets/accessAudit... Works fine but need to set the startDate like I can do it in the Ranger WebUI in the Audit part. Is there any docu where to find how to do that? Example: ...server:port/service/assets/accessAudit?startDate=06/02/2023&resourceType=@table&accessType=select&sortBy=eventTime&sortType=descending&excludeServiceUser=false In this example the startDate does not work, only getting the data from the actual day. If I use the startDate in the Ranger WebUI it works fine. BR Roland
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Apache Ranger