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10:29 PM
2 Kudos
@MattWho I create a user with certificate DN.As you said, I gave this user "execute code" permission.This way the problem is solved. The problem was not solved without creating a user
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12:41 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @SAMSAL , @MattWho , As I said, nifi is secure and authenticates via ldap when logging into the frontend. I defined StandartRestrictedSslContextService on controller services.StandardRestrictedSslContextService uses the trustStore and keyStore files I created before. The same files are defined in When I call the API with invokeHttp using this service, I get the following error:Unable to modify Components requiring additional permission: execute code. Contact the system administrator. If I send a userToken with the authorization parameter to the invokeHttp processor, I get a successful response. Since using userToken complicates the flow, it would be better to use SSL service.But I have no idea how to overcome the error I shared above.
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01:34 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @SAMSAL , Is SSL Context Service alone sufficient or is it necessary to purchase tokens via invokeHttp first?
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02:00 AM
1 Kudo
I want to stop a processor on the same machine with restApi but I get an authorization error when I call the rest api.I can solve this problem with bearer token, but since the token has expired, I need to change the bearer token manually again.Is there a way I can authorize automatically? I am using the executeScript processor when calling the API.Script engine is Groovy. My Nifi version 1.23.2 and Nifi is secure and not clustered.I login with ldap on UI. This is the part where I call the API in the script: def post = new URL(NifiBaseUrl.value + NifiComponentId.value).openConnection(); post.setSSLSocketFactory(sslContext.getSocketFactory()) post.setRequestMethod("PUT") post.setDoOutput(true) post.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json") post.getOutputStream().write(content.getBytes("UTF-8")); post.getResponseCode() Error: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL
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Apache NiFi
03:20 AM
1 Kudo
@MattWho I forgot to answer the question.If flowfile drop on failure and retry transition,I rotates flowFile same putElasticsearchHttp processor.
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03:15 AM
1 Kudo
@MattWho putElasticsearchHttp processor connection Timeout parameter is 5 secs.Response timeout parameter is 15 secs.Would it be appropriate if I doubled these values?
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01:07 AM
1 Kudo
@MattWho The reason for this situation is not because the Consume processor reads the same message twice or because the detect duplicate processor cannot capture the same message.It is caused by the putElasticsearchHttp processor adding data to the elastic cluster twice.The putElasticsearchHttp processor has received a timeout error and the flowFile goes to the failure transition.When the putElasticsearchHttp processor receives a successful response, flowFile is deleted, but it is recorded twice in the elastic. environment.What could be the reason for this?
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06:39 AM
Hi @MattWho , I updated the processor to ConsumeKafka_2_0. 1.My Nifi is not clustered.It consists of a single node. 2.distributedMapCacheClient and DistributedMapCacheServer as I share below; 3.ConsumeKafka processor reads approximately 200 flowFiles in 5 minutes I configured the DetectDuplicate processor with an age off of 10 days.It doesn't matter if the processor can't deduplicate messages.It's bad for the ConsumeKafka to read the same message twice. Finally,I updated 10000 to 200 value on max poll records attributes ConsumeKafka.
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10:25 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @MattWho , Do you have any comments on the subject?
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11:25 PM
Thanks for your return @MattWho 1.I confirmed the kafka version,kafka version is 2.5.In this case, which version of the processor should I use? 2.I transform the content to the key attribute with the EvaluateJsonPath processor.Then I use the key value in the detectDuplicate processor as I share below.I confirmed that the attribute of the flowfile that cannot be deduplicated is.Could this be related to the flowfile arriving at the same time?
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