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05:36 AM
@jAnshulaI am getting below error when running your first query: ERROR: AnalysisException: ALTER TABLE not supported on transactional (ACID) table: default.atable
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06:39 AM
@jAnshula Hello, any help from my provided information above?
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06:53 AM
Hi @jAnshula I created the table as parquet. However, I am still getting issue after insert data. Here is my query to create the table and insert to the table: CREATE TABLE ATABLE ( CHARCOL CHAR(10), VCHARCOL VARCHAR(10), DECIMALCOL DECIMAL(15,5), NUMERICCOL DOUBLE, SMALLCOL SMALLINT, INTEGERCOL INT, REALCOL FLOAT, FLOATCOL FLOAT, DOUBLECOL DOUBLE, LVCOL STRING, BITCOL BOOLEAN, TINYINTCOL TINYINT, BIGINTCOL BIGINT, BINCOL STRING, VARBINCOL STRING, LVARBINCOL STRING, DATECOL STRING, TIMECOL STRING, TSCOL TIMESTAMP ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS PARQUET; Then insert data to the table: INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE ATABLE SELECT * FROM JMASTER.ATABLE and the result: Query: INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE ATABLE SELECT * FROM JMASTER.ATABLE Query submitted at: 2024-02-16 09:03:11 (Coordinator: Query progress can be monitored at: ERROR: File 'hdfs://' has an invalid Parquet version number: 30 30 30 30 . Please check that it is a valid Parquet file. This error can also occur due to stale metadata. If you believe this is a valid Parquet file, try running "refresh jmaster.hivetesttable".
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01:02 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @jAnshula I have run the refresh command on the table, but it did not help. Here is the output after run the command parquet-tools meta parquet-tools meta /user/hivetest/master_tables/hivetesttable/create_tables.sql Could not read footer: java.lang.RuntimeException: file:/user/hivetest/master_tables/hivetesttable/create_tables.sql is not a Parquet file. expected magic number at tail [80, 65, 82, 49] but found [10, 41, 59, 10] Please suggest what I need to be done to fix the issue. Thank you!
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03:06 PM
1 Kudo
Thanks @DianaTorres. @jAnshula @ezerihun Please let me know if you need more information.
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11:08 AM
Hello, I just installed a new Hadoop server which has hive and impala servers on it. Cloudera Runtime 7.1.8 Server version: impalad version RELEASE (build a3b56f90d9c31ebfa5ce3c266700284a420db28f) However, I am getting an error when try to import data from .cvs file from Impala shell: The error is: Query: INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE ATABLE SELECT * FROM JMASTER.ATABLE Query submitted at: 2024-02-14 14:00:53 (Coordinator: Query progress can be monitored at: ERROR: File 'hdfs://' has an invalid Parquet version number: 30 30 30 30 . Please check that it is a valid Parquet file. This error can also occur due to stale metadata. If you believe this is a valid Parquet file, try running "refresh jmaster.hivetesttable". Could not execute command: INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE ATABLE SELECT * FROM JMASTER.ATABLE I can import data fine to Impala 3.x version. Does anyone know what the issue is? Thank you!
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Apache Impala