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08:27 AM
Hello, We have a 3 node cluster where one of the nodes is only 64 cores 128 GB RAM and other two machines are each 128 cores 128 GB RAM. I am using Round Robin load balancing in the flow as Listfile --> LB --> FetchFile, as a result of which load is getting divided (almost) uniformly among all the machines, which is expected behavior. However, the load average on smaller machine is exceeding 64 (this machine is sweating!) whereas the load average on other two machines is almost 50. So my question is there a way in NiFi to distribute load in such a way that the load on the smaller machine can be maintained to stay less than 64, and give the other two machines some more work to do? I tried using DistributeLoad processor, but not sure which strategy to use because Round robin would distribute load equally, next available would distribute when the next node is available. However, how do I configure DistributeLoad such that it divides load equally among two bigger machines but lesser load to the smaller machine? I would really appreciate your suggestions. Thanks!
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Apache NiFi