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Title | Views | Posted |
11600 | 04-17-2018 04:59 PM | |
6567 | 04-11-2018 10:07 PM | |
3784 | 03-02-2018 09:13 AM | |
23014 | 03-01-2018 09:22 AM | |
2819 | 02-27-2018 08:06 AM |
03:31 PM
To debug wrong results, it's very helpful for us to get an Impala query profile of the query that returns wrong results. Would you be able to provide that to help us debug?
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02:49 PM
The IS NOT NULL predicate is not placed correcly in the execution plan, that's why the result are wrong. We've fied many similar issues, chances are this one is known and fixed. I will need to confirm. What version of Impala are you running? You might be able to work around the issue like this. Instead of "where company_name is not null" use "where coalesce(company_name, aais_company_number) is not null". You might need to "cast(aais_company_number as string)" I understand it's not pretty but hopefully it does the trick.
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10:44 PM
Yes to both.
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01:00 PM
This is expected to work. What's the view definition? Can you post the EXPLAIN plan of your query?
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04:59 PM
1 Kudo
1. You need to add the appropriate PARTITION clause to your CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE. Looks like it should be PARTITIONED BY (`date` STRING) 2. You need to run ALTER TABLE RECOVER PARTITIONS to discover all the partitions for the table After that you should be good to go!
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10:07 PM
1 Kudo
Looks like which was recently fixed. The problem is with the casing of primary key or partition column names. Should work if you convert all column names to lower case in your CTAS.
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09:13 AM
2 Kudos
Changing the log level will not work. You can disable query profile profile logging with the following impalad startup option: --log_query_to_file=false If successful, you should see "Query profile archival is disabled" in the impalad ERROR log.
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09:22 AM
2 Kudos
Looks like a client display issue. Both Impala and Hive return a DOUBLE for round(). A DOUBLE cannot precisely represent 80.71 so I'm guessing that technically the results are the same, it's just that the Hive client "pretty prints" the results in a different way than Impala's. If you require precise rouding results it's recommended you use decimal: select round(cast(269586 / 334026 * 100 as decimal(17, 15)), 2); 80.71
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08:06 AM
1 Kudo
Kudu has the capability to evaluate simple filters natively, e.g. using the primary index of a table, so Impala will push such filters directly to Kudu. More complex filters (e.g. those involving UDFs) are evaluated by Impala after receiving rows from Kudu. Impala clearly distinguishes the filters evaluated by Kudu and those by Impala in the explain plan.
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09:57 PM
1 Kudo
Thanks for the report! I suspect you are hitting this issue: As a workaround you can set the following query option: SET MT_DOP=0; Please let us know if that worked or not.
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