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01:54 AM
1 Kudo
Hello, For the try.csv input, I've successfully configured it. However, what I didn't succeed is when I change the content of the input file to have strings at the front and the back of the words that need to be replaced. So my try.csv currently looks like this: (testing input file) and the output is like this: How do i fix this? This is my nifi setup currently: Thank you!
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11:43 PM
Hello everyone. So I've been finding on How to Perform Word Replacement in a csv file by using a Dictionary File as the Guide. I've yet unable to succeed in doing this. I was hoping to get it done with just a single dataflow and just by using processors (without script) but I don't know what processors to use. I've tried a few but nothing seems to work. Hopefully I can get help. The input csv file i have is named try.csv which contains the words that need to be processed (word replacement takes place). While the dictionary file is named syno_street.csv which have a couple of rows and 3 columns: column1: original word (need to be searched in input csv) column2: original word (need to be searched in input csv) column3: replacement word (the output after processing) syno_street.csv: try.csv: (input csv for testing) Thank you in advance.
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Apache NiFi