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10:27 AM
1 Kudo
If you're using the docker image it's just a matter of voluming in your customized version of the or copying it in at image build time. But I can understand not wanting to do that. It should be completely configurable with env variables. It seems like that's how it worked in nifi 1.X
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07:33 AM
2 Kudos
I've found that you have to modify the script itself rather than relying on passed environment variables. By default it will apply the host name of the container to the https host unless you prevent it from doing so in the script. Which then takes precedent over any http configuration you've done. I'd also try messing with `` I'm uncertain if that is also required to be set to false
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02:23 PM
1 Kudo
I'm running Nifi in ECS with an ALB. Everything is up and seems normal except there are intermittent 502 errors that pop up in the Nifi ui that look like this It seems that the source of the 502 is the load balancer but since it's intermittent it seems like an interaction between the load balancer and Nifi that is causing this behavior. I've tried messing with the following settings so that the idle timeout (60 seconds) on the ALB is lower nifi.web.request.timeout nifi.remote.input.http.transaction.ttl I've also made sure the configuration is set the hostname that I'm using to hit the loadbalancer. Has anyone else experienced something similar getting a load balancer in front of Nifi?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
01:55 PM
1 Kudo
So it turns out if you "unset" the following properties in the script like so, you are able to run nifi without tls nifi.seucrity.keystoreType
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08:08 AM
I'm currently trying to get Nifi running in docker in the insecure mode without tls enabled. The reason for this is I want to run Nifi with ssl termination upstream and not have to deal with the complications of having to manage truststores and keystores. By default it seems that even configuring the environment variables for `nifi_web_http_port` and `nifi_web_http_host` will not remove the default configuration for the https port and host. I've modified the script for the container to set the http_port and http_host to be the expected values and removing the default values for https_port and https_host. I've also set the configuration `` to be false. Now on startup Nifi failing to load a Key Store at ./conf/keystore.p12. Even with tls seemingly disabled by the means I've found necessary from all other guides on the matter Nifi is still expecting a keystore? Has anyone had success with running nifi 2.0 insecure in docker?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi