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29875 | 04-05-2017 05:51 PM | |
6980 | 04-01-2017 09:50 AM | |
8439 | 08-22-2015 08:08 PM |
11:00 AM
You would probably be better served by asking this question in a separate thread.
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10:59 AM
From what I recall, the is read in only on initial submission, so any subsequent changes will not take effect. I believe killing and re-submitting the job is what you'll need to do. This is in contrast to changing something like a workflow.xml, which is read in anew during every execution.
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05:51 PM
I figured out a solution to my problem with the help of a friend and thought I'd share. Pretty much what I did was implement Callback() with an overloaded constructor that accepts the my message key and value so that I can choose to do something with it should I need to. A note for anyone reading this though is that the API it states that "this callback will generally execute in the background I/O thread so it should be fast", which means it's advisable to avoid significant processing in the Callback(). The code snippet example follows: ProducerRecord<String, byte[]> message = null;
protected KafkaProducer<String, byte[]> aProducer = null;
aProducer = createKafkaProducer();
message = new ProducerRecord<String, byte[]>(producerConfig.getKafkaTopic(), byteString);
public void send() {
aProducer.send(message, new MyCallback(message.key(),new String(message.value())));
//Implemented Callback but I overloaded the constructor to pass in the message so that, if needed, I can do something with the message itself on error. Since according to the API, "This callback will generally execute in the background I/O thread so it should be fast.", I should avoid expensive actions in this callback, so I would have to spin of another executor if I want to do much.
class MyCallback implements Callback {
private final String messageKey;
private final String messageValue;
public MyCallback(String messageKey, String messageValue) {
this.messageKey = messageKey;
this.messageValue = messageValue;
public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata metadata, Exception exception) {
// This is where I will handle exceptions and I'll have the message should I need to write it out somewhere to deal with later.
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04:51 PM
Try addig some arguments into your Oozie run command like so: $ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -config -run If those changes don't work for you might try the following: Put your out in HDFS in the same directory as your workflow, then use Hue FileBrowser to execute the workflow and see if that works. To do that, just checkmark the workflow.xml and a button will appear for you to take action like a submit. Reduce your workflow down to a simple email, then test... add the SSH, then test... keep adding and testing along the way. If things fail at the first and most simple test (email action), then we've eliminated the other actions as being the culprit, and likely quite a few of your variables too.
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09:56 AM
Can you confirm that you have enough space in the error's logging directories listed? Perhaps they are on different mount points that do not have the same capacity as other directories you have setup?
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09:50 AM
1 Kudo
Type at the terminal "locate" and see if that locates it... probably in a parcels somewhere else.
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09:44 AM
Pease show your file and your oozie submit command please. A few base questions: Are you defining your properly in your Do you have a correct reference to your namenode that perhaps you are referencing in your workflow You might also try looking at the Oozie logs, which may give you more details on the error.
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11:15 AM
Well I'd call this progress I guess... seems like we have a zookeeper issue. Have you tried restarting the services?
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09:35 PM
Is zookeeper up and running properly? - try connecting to it using the zookeeper client to verify. Try stopping both services, and then restarting them, zookeeper first. Also for the consumer, try adding --from-beginning if you continue to have problems with it and not the producer.
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