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08:54 AM
1 Kudo
Hello! Input flowFile has column "date_time" with timestamp-millis type The task is to update each value of column, by substracting 3 hours from datetime value. In fact I need to transform datetime value from timezone GMT +3 to timezone GMT +0 For example, value "2024-11-24 19:43:17" to be transformed in "2024-11-24 16:43:17" I tried to use UpdateRecord with following script: format(toNumber((/date_time):minus(3600)), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") And, as expected, transformation failed with exception: "Unrecognized token 'minus'..." Operation "minus" applied to attributes values. And "date_time" is not an attribute. As an alternative, I considered next way: 1. SplitText for splitting one FlowFile into N FlowFiles, where N - is the number of records. 2.UpdateAttribute to add new attribute "dateTime" for each of N flowFiles by: dateTime <- /date_time 3. UpdateRecord for each of N flowFiles with script: /date_time <- ${dateTime:toNumber:minus(3600):format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")} 4.Merge N flowFiles to one FlowFile But this way seem to be too complicated. Is there are more straightforward way? ))
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
07:08 AM
Also I tried to solve this problem, by using ScriptExecutor with following Groovy: import org.w3c.dom.Document
import org.w3c.dom.Element
import groovy.xml.XmlSlurper
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
def xmlContent = '''<root>
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlContent)
def nested2Value = xml.root.nested1.nested2
def json = [
nested2: nested2Value
def json2 = [
nested3: nested2
def builder = new JsonBuilder(json2)
def xmlOutput = builder.toPrettyString() I returns: { "nested3": [ ] } It's not, what I expected, because "value" is missed.
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07:38 AM
Hello! Xml file has the following structure: <root>
</root> EvaluateXPath processor type_rec property: name(/*/*[1]) And I got the following error: EvaluateXPath[id=ce4e0c05-169f-387f-520d-77e2e664bacc] Input parsing failed FlowFile[filename=69de5f2c-a887-4042-8734-beca03e3d27b]: org.apache.nifi.xml.processing.ProcessingException: Parsing failed
- Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 6; columnNumber: 5; The element type "nested2" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</nested2>". As I understand, parser except, at 4 level closed tag </nested1> , because it'v met open tag with the same name at level 2 (<nested1>). But at level 4 file has a new tag with the same name. I tried to use ReplcaseText processor for replace <nested2> <nested1> tag combination with new value - for example: <nested2> <nested1_new> So I tried to rename "nested1" at 4 level with "nested1_new" value. But without result - nothing is replaced. It there are other ways to solve this problem? Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
04:41 AM
1 Kudo
Yes, CSV Format is Custom Format
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01:31 AM
1 Kudo
Hello! The source csv file is: 123456TextValue1 654321TextValue2 where 123456 and TextValue1 are different values, separated by binary delimiter (\u0001) Similar, 654321 and TextValue2 have non-visible at Web-UI binary delimiter (\u0001) I use ConvertRecord for updating the delimiter from "\u0001" to ";" RecordReader is CSVReader with the following properties: - Schema Access Strategy: Use 'Schema Text' Property - Schema Text: #{test_schema} - Value Separator: \u0001 - Treat First Line as Header: false - Ignore CSV Header Column Names: true RecordWriter is CSVRecordSetWriter: - Schema Access Strategy: Use 'Schema Text' Property - Schema Text: #{test_schema} - Value Separator: ; - Include Header Line: true test_schema is { "type": "record", "name": "test_schema", "fields": [ { "name": "FIELD_1", "type": ["int","null"], "description": "FIELD_1" }, { "name": "FIELD_2", "type": ["string","null"], "description": "FIELD_2" } ] } Expected output is: FIELD_1;FIELD_2; 123456;TextValue1 654321;TextValue2 But I got the following error: ERROR ConvertRecord[id=01931001-0d7e-1e43-146d-1a380e6d43b7] Failed to process FlowFile[filename=7365b509-7100-4bc2-a070- 4cc8ce8377b9]; will route to failure: org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: Could not parse incoming data Caused by: org.apache.nifi.serialization.MalformedRecordException: Error while getting next record Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "123456TextValue1"
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
09:55 AM
Thank you, the matter was in "/", indeed ))
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05:45 AM
Hello! The general task is to transform xml to csv For this aim I created following pipeline: Source xml content is: <Email E-mail="AR-BIK@GMAIL.COM"> <Data GRN="3214600023849" Date="2024-07-28"></Data></Email> Parameters of EvaluateXPath are: ReplaceText parameters: Attribute grn successfully produced with expected value: But value "3214600023849" is not translated to csv. Only ; delimiter. Encoding is UTF-8 What am I doing wrong?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
01:45 AM
@drewski7 wrote: @AndreyDE Is one flowfile going into the SplitText processor and outputting 10000 flowfiles? Yes - one flow file How big is the flowfile going into the SplitText processor? About 30 KB Or is the source of the pipeline recursively getting all objects in your S3 bucket? Yes, it searches all objects recursively
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12:42 PM
My SplitFile processor connected (follows by) ValidateRecords processor. ValidateRecords use CSVReader with following configuration: Input_schema is avro: {
"type": "record",
"name": "geo_data",
"fields": [
"name": "id",
"type": [
"name": "description",
"type": [
} And the source of this pipeline in ListS3 and FetchS3 processors.
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05:20 AM
Hello! The configuration of my SplitText is: The task is to split one csv file: id;description
"1234";"The latitude is 12324.24"
"2345";"12324.24 this value" on 2 files: id;description
"1234";"The latitude is 12324.24" and id;description
"2345";12324.24 this value" But it returns 10000 and more duplicated files! What am I doing wrong?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi