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03:01 AM
I actually ran into this same issue when integrating Hitachi HCP with Cloudera 5.12. It was super frustrating at first, but I finally got it working while I was studying for some cloud certifications and practicing with sample questions. Here's what worked for me: The problem you're seeing (PKIX path building failed) is related to SSL certificate validation. HCP’s certificate might not be recognized by your Java truststore, so Java blocks the connection. Here’s what I did to fix it: Download the SSL certificate from your HCP endpoint. Import that certificate into your Java truststore using the keytool command: sudo keytool -import -alias hcp-cert -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file /path/to/hcp-cert.pem 3. Restart the Cloudera services after the import. Also, in case you're just trying things out, you could disable SSL validation temporarily (not for production though) by adding this parameter: -Dfs.s3a.connection.ssl.enabled=false Honestly, working through similar practice scenarios on Study4Exam really helped me get a grip on these types of configurations. They have questions that dive deep into AWS, S3, and related security settings. Hope that helps!
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