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11:00 AM
Hello everyone. I'm trying to connect to an Cloudera culster - using Impala. My certificate is valid (i can OpenSSL it to the host) (this is an excerpt of the openssl command output) CONNECTED(00000003)
depth=1 C = BR, ST = **, L = CITY_NAME, O = ****** ***, OU = IT, CN = Hadoop CA Authority
verify return:1
depth=0 C = BR, ST = **, L = CITY_NAME, O = ****** ***, OU = IT, CN = impala.******.***.br
verify return:1
Certificate chain
0 s:/C=BR/ST=**/L=CITY_NAME/O=****** ***/OU=IT/CN=impala.******.***.br
i:/C=BR/ST=**/L=CITY_NAME/O=****** ***/OU=IT/CN=Hadoop CA Authority
--- My DSN is also correct (i think): [ImpalaDSN]
Driver=Cloudera Impala ODBC Driver
SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT=0 Also, i can connect to this host using Windows ODBC. I've checked the driver dependencies and they're installed as well. Driver location is okay also (otherwise it would throw an different error message). This is the output of: isql -v ImpalaDSN Feb 13 16:49:29.042 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaTCLIServiceRetryClient::RecreateUnderlyingClientIfNeeded: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.042 DEBUG 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaTCLIServiceRetryClient::RecreateUnderlyingClientIfNeeded: Recreating the underlying client.
Feb 13 16:49:29.042 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::BrowserAuthenticationIfNeeded: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.042 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaTCLIServiceRetryClient::CreateUnderlyingClient: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.042 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaClient::CreateTProtocol: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.043 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaClient::CreateTCLIServiceClient: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.043 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.043 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::OpenSession: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.043 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::PrepareApiCalls: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.043 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::CheckAndResetBackendConnection: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.043 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::BrowserAuthenticationIfNeeded: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.045 DEBUG 2638747456 DriverSupport::DSSSLUtils::SslDefaultVerifyCertCallback: The X509_STORE_CTX_get_error of SSL verification is: 20
Feb 13 16:49:29.045 DEBUG 2638747456 DriverSupport::DSSSLUtils::SslVerifyCertCallback: Error depth: 0
Feb 13 16:49:29.048 DEBUG 2638747456 DriverSupport::DSSSLUtils::SslDefaultVerifyCertCallback: The X509_STORE_CTX_get_error of SSL verification is: 20
Feb 13 16:49:29.048 DEBUG 2638747456 DriverSupport::DSSSLUtils::SslVerifyCertCallback: Error depth: 0
Feb 13 16:49:29.048 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaTCLIServiceRetryClient::ShouldRetry: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.048 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::ShouldRetry: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.048 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::ConvertStatusCode: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:29.049 DEBUG 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::ConvertStatusCode: Unable to convert the HTTP status code string into a uint16 value. Error detail: [Cloudera][Support] (50090) Conversion from string to number failed with value ''
Feb 13 16:49:29.049 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::WaitAndResetTransportForHttpRetry: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.051 DEBUG 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaTCLIServiceRetryClient::ShouldRetry: The API call OpenSession had failed. Attempting to retry the API call. Error detail: SSL_connect: certificate verify failed
Feb 13 16:49:32.051 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaTCLIServiceRetryClient::RecreateUnderlyingClientIfNeeded: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.051 DEBUG 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaTCLIServiceRetryClient::RecreateUnderlyingClientIfNeeded: Recreating the underlying client.
Feb 13 16:49:32.051 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::BrowserAuthenticationIfNeeded: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.051 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaTCLIServiceRetryClient::CreateUnderlyingClient: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.051 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaClient::CreateTProtocol: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.053 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaClient::CreateTCLIServiceClient: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.053 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.053 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::OpenSession: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.053 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::PrepareApiCalls: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.053 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::CheckAndResetBackendConnection: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.053 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::BrowserAuthenticationIfNeeded: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.055 DEBUG 2638747456 DriverSupport::DSSSLUtils::SslDefaultVerifyCertCallback: The X509_STORE_CTX_get_error of SSL verification is: 20
Feb 13 16:49:32.055 DEBUG 2638747456 DriverSupport::DSSSLUtils::SslVerifyCertCallback: Error depth: 0
Feb 13 16:49:32.058 DEBUG 2638747456 DriverSupport::DSSSLUtils::SslDefaultVerifyCertCallback: The X509_STORE_CTX_get_error of SSL verification is: 20
Feb 13 16:49:32.058 DEBUG 2638747456 DriverSupport::DSSSLUtils::SslVerifyCertCallback: Error depth: 0
Feb 13 16:49:32.058 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaTCLIServiceRetryClient::ShouldRetry: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.058 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::ShouldRetry: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.058 DEBUG 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TETCLIServiceWebBasedAuthClient::ShouldRetry: The number of attempts to retry the API call OpenSession have exceeded the max retry limit 3.
Feb 13 16:49:32.058 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TEHttpApiRetryEmulationTestSettings::~TEHttpApiRetryEmulationTestSettings: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.058 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaTCLIServiceClientFactory::~ImpalaTCLIServiceClientFactory: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.059 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ImpalaODBC::ImpalaConnection::SetProperty: +++++ enter +++++
Feb 13 16:49:32.059 ERROR 2638747456 Simba::ODBC::Connection::SQLConnectW: [Cloudera][ThriftExtension] (14) Unexpected response from server during a HTTP connection: SSL_connect: certificate verify failed.
Feb 13 16:49:32.059 TRACE 2638747456 Simba::ThriftExtension::TEHttpApiRetryEmulationTestSettings::~TEHttpApiRetryEmulationTestSettings: +++++ enter +++++
[S1000][unixODBC][Cloudera][ThriftExtension] (14) Unexpected response from server during a HTTP connection: SSL_connect: certificate verify failed.
[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
[root@desenv Downloads]# (I've stripped a part of it, leaving the important information(i suppose) only) What can i do to diagnose this issue? Thanks!
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- Labels:
Apache Impala
03:49 PM
Thanks Diana! I'll be looking forward to it. On my Cloudera Cluster, i have as sources both Impala and Hive. I've also tried to connect to Impala (another DSN) but it didn't worked out =( And the hive connection displays the error i mentioned. I spent the day working on it but couldn't figure out what is happening.
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10:08 AM
Hello. I am trying to connect to an Cloudera server, from another server (its an php web server). Everything has been setup correctly on the php server side. However, i'm still getting the error mentioned in the subject when trying to connect: [28000][unixODBC][Cloudera][ThriftExtension] (9) Error occurred while authenticating via SASL. Error details: SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information (No Kerberos credentials available (default cache: KEYRING:persistent:0)) [ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect My authentication is local, so i've set AuthMech to 1. No SSL for connecting into the server (not needed) I can connect from the php server to the cloudera host (tested with an telnet) The credentials are okay (since i can connect using the web browser). The php server is an RHEL Version 7.6 And the log isn't working. I manually created the file, changed its permissions, but nothing is being logged. I'll put my configurations here. Any input is very appreciated. Thanks a lot for your attention. odbc.ini [HiveDSN]
Driver=Cloudera ODBC Driver for Apache Hive
Description=Cloudera Hive ODBC
KerberosAuth=0 odbcinst.ini [Cloudera ODBC Driver for Apache Hive]
Description=Cloudera ODBC Driver for Apache Hive
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- Labels:
Apache Hive