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10:40 PM
I echo on the same question. Why would we need to copy all the contents from the running journal nodes to the new nodes. even though when the journal service on the new nodes is started and entry marked in the configuration of the namenode, it should automatically get sync'ed up all the edits. WHY do we copy the old edits to new journal servers?
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06:59 PM
Those are the same steps I've taken, except that restarting the -db service did not create a new data directory. Maybe I should re-check the permissions. I've also been working on creating the data directory manually with initdb, etc but somewhere I'm missing a password. Am about to rework pg_hba.conf to let clouderad-scm in without a password. If I can reload the dump (and I used pg_dumpall in order to get he roles and permissions as well) then I think I can get this thing going. UGH...this has been an amazingly frustrating process.
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11:22 AM
@GeKas, You are correct. Thank you for clarifying that EXTERNAL means NOT EMBEDDED. An external database server can be on the same host as Cloudera Manager. -Ben
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