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Title | Views | Posted |
926 | 06-27-2024 02:42 AM | |
2419 | 06-24-2022 09:06 AM | |
3821 | 01-19-2021 06:56 AM | |
56129 | 01-18-2016 06:59 PM |
07:42 AM
Hello All, I have just added a Ranger KMS service to a newly built CDP Cluster. When attempted to create key, got error stating "user not allowed to do create key". I thought it must be related to providing privs to the user in Ranger policies for KMS service and hence, logged in to the Ranger Admin UI where I can't see Ranger KMS service itself. I can see the plugin is enabled and responding in the plugins tab, cm_kms policy is syncing as per plugin status tab. However, service is not there. Any suggestions please. Thanks snm1523
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03:38 PM
Hello, I have recently built a CDP 7.1.7 SP1 cluster and have all the services running except YARN QueueManager WebApp. QM Store is running with no errors. Even in logs for WebApp, only entry i see is: WARN WebApp Properties Reading conf/ I am almost clueless what to do to bring this up. Any suggestions please. Thanks snm1523
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09:10 AM
Hi All, We are in process of migrating HDP cluster to CDP. As we would like to retain Atlas lineage in CDP from HDP, we have exported them from HDP cluster which gave us a .zip file. Extracted it and remediated the contents of .json files to match the CDP cluster name and server names, then zipped it back to a file. Now when running Atlas import API command to import remediated Atlas data to CDP Atlas, we are getting below error for most of the Atlas imports. {"errorCode":"ATLAS-404-00-007","errorMessage":"Invalid instance creation/updation parameters passed : type_name.entity_name: mandatory attribute value missing in type type_name"} Also, have some more errors, which certainly need to be looked into but not super priority. {"errorCode":"ATLAS-400-00-08A","errorMessage":"Attempting to import empty ZIP file."}: {"errorCode":"ATLAS-500-00-001","errorMessage":"java.lang.NullPointerException","errorCause":null} Having tried to figure this out since a week, but still no luck. Any suggestions / guidance will be really helpful. Thanks snm1523
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09:50 AM
Hello, I am working on importing multiple Atlas entities using Atlas API calls. After completing execution of each curl command, the message I get is "connection is left intact". Is there a way to kill / terminate this connection to Atlas server? Thanks snm1523
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06:28 AM
Hi, We are in process of setting up a CDP 7.1.7 SP1 cluster. We have got Knox enabled and configured across all services which works fine for all except Livy. When we attempt to submit a spark session via Livy service (Knox URL), it does not recognise the user session is getting submitted from and so returns "unauthorised error). There is a log entry in Knox gateway which clearly shows that the user name is not detected. However, when we submit a spark session directly via Livy URL with the same user, it passes through. This confirms definitely something is not correct in the Knox / Livy configuration. In this attempt, at the same place in Knox gateway logs, it has a POST entry which clearly displays the user name who has submitted this job. Digging it further, found that there are is no entry in simplified topology configuration for Livy. Not sure if this is an issue? Attached is the configuration. Secondly, we also found that in KNOX_DATA_DIR/services, we have a folder called Livy and it has 3 version folders. What sense this makes, not sure? Honestly, I do not understand what is the actual significance of these folders. It has rewrite and services.xml in it. Further referring to below article, did mentioned about creating these files in services folder, however, we are not sure how exactly that would help. Add custom service to existing descriptor in Apache Knox Proxy | CDP Private Cloud ( Is there a documentation that actually helps to understand all the steps that are involved in configuring Livy to work with Knox and explains the communications / interactions within these services? Also, any help in getting this setup correct would be really great. Additionally, how exactly topologies in Knox have an impact in this. Thanks snm1523
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07:14 AM
Hello, Is there a straight documentation available that would help to side car migrate Oozie jobs (50+) from HDP to CDP PB? I know of the properties file that might need some modification to point to CDP RM and relevant servers, however, facing it hard to understand / map properties file as we have 50+ workflows to be migrated. Thanks snm1523
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06:56 AM
Thank you @araujo, Do we also get a field to enter these details while installing Cloudera Manager at the page were we add custom repositories for Hadoop parcels? I don't remember it hence, asking. Thanks snm1523
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09:06 AM
Thank you for the response. I was able to find a way out to fix this.
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08:00 AM
Hi, I just completed setting up CDP Private Base in a POC environment. I was in process of attempting AD (LDAP based) integration so that users get authenticated via Active Directory. I am unsure if there was a mis configuration, however, after restarting Cloudera Manager, I can't login to it via "Admin" account (local). Thought it has got AD integrated, tried multiple accounts from AD, however, none of them are working. Please help to re-enable admin (local) account. Thanks snm1523
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